19% of Spaniards choose to travel more by train now than before the entry of competition from Iryo and Ouigo and the debut of the ‘low cost’ Avlo de Renfe, according to a study carried out by Trainline together with YouGov.

The drop in prices triggered by this liberalization of high speed has been essential for this drive, since 6 out of 10 travelers say they use the train more, considering that it is cheaper since the entry of new operators.

Thus, 66% of Spaniards say that price is positioned as the most determining factor when choosing the train as a means of transport, a trend that is supported by the fact that almost half of those surveyed found that the price of the train ticket was more attractive compared to other transport options, such as plane or car.

However, there are other factors that are driving the increase in demand for train travel: 40% highlight the variety of schedules as a reason for choosing the train, 29% who feel more motivated to make a more respectful decision with the environment, or 27% prefer the new services offered by rail operators.

In this way, 53% of Spaniards opted for the train because it was the most convenient option for them or 32% because it was the fastest option, while 70% support prohibiting domestic flights when there is a rail alternative.

For Easter, the destination with the greatest increase in demand is Valencia, with an increase of 487% compared to last year, followed by Zaragoza (363%), Madrid (358%) and Barcelona (336%).

The cost of the Madrid-Valencia route has experienced a 48% drop, reducing its price to 16 euros instead of 31 euros the previous year, and the Madrid-Barcelona corridor has dropped 26%, from 36 to 27 euros.