The measure will affect 630 workers over the age of 59


El Corte Inglés has agreed this Monday night with the unions a plan to reorganize its staff of the central and regional administrative services that will affect a total of 2,100 people, including 630 over 59 years of age.

The measure has been agreed “in order to strengthen the stores to attend to the good evolution of sales and thereby improve customer service and attention,” as reported by the distribution group in a statement.

For El Corte Inglés, the agreement is based on “two premises”: the maintenance of employment and “a special treatment of voluntary separation for people with more seniority”, that is, those who are over 59 years old as of June 30 of 2023, “most of whom have a long relationship with the company.”

In this context, the company has explained that the incentivized redundancy plan “will be able to join voluntarily” and “under more favorable conditions” those people who meet the requirements agreed with the legal representation of the workers.

Likewise, the reorganization plan provides for the transfer to the stores of professionals from the central services in Madrid, in the regional offices and in other administrative units.

“The modernization and development of processes and systems experienced in recent times has led to an optimization of management models, which, in the case of our company, translates into the need to reorganize central services to strengthen establishments commercial”, has justified the English Court.