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In this way, the two entities pool their resources to promote equal opportunities and enhance talent among students of the Medicine degree.

The new scholarship joins the annual program of scholarships and grants of UIC Barcelona

Barcelona, ??March 27, 2023.- The Barraquer Foundation, a benchmark in the field of ophthalmology, and the International University of Catalonia (UIC Barcelona) have signed a collaboration agreement that materializes in the creation of the Dr. Joaquín Barraquer Scholarships Moner, thus expanding the University’s aid and scholarship program.

With the aim of promoting talent and promoting equal opportunities among future doctors, as of the 2023-2024 academic year, students in the second and third year of the Medicine degree with a good academic record and with limited financial resources will be able to apply for two scholarships. that will help them cover part of the tuition. This aid will be renewed automatically until the end of the degree, as long as the student maintains the level of academic excellence.

Present at the signing of the agreement were Dr. Alfonso Méndiz, Rector of UIC Barcelona, ??Dr. Rafael I. Barraquer Compte, President of the Barraquer Foundation, and Dr. Albert Balaguer, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Sciences of UIC Barcelona Health. “At the Barraquer Foundation we are committed to people and we support collaborative projects with entities with which it shares values ??such as solidarity, equality or respect, as is the case with UIC Barcelona”, declared Dr. Barraquer at the time. of the signature For his part, Dr. Méndiz thanked the Foundation for its contribution and its commitment to quality and humanistic training for future doctors.

With this scholarship, the scholarship and aid program of the University is expanded

For more information:.Marta González Martínez.Responsible for Communication.of the faculties of Campus Sant Cugat.T. 34 935 042 000. Ext: 5153 / 657 736 887.mgonzalezmar@uic.es.Josep Trueta, s/n.08195 Sant Cugat del Vallès.

About UIC Barcelona.

The International University of Catalonia (UIC Barcelona) was created in 1997 with the aim of offering quality university education and promoting research as a service to society. Linked to the business world and with a markedly international character, it teaches 16 degrees, 8 double degrees, around thirty international double degrees and a wide range of postgraduate programs on its two campuses, located in Barcelona and Sant Cugat del Vallés.

As part of its commitment to society, UIC Barcelona also has three university clinics located on the Sant Cugat Campus: the University Dentistry Clinic, Support – University Clinic of Psychology and Psychiatry, and Cuides UIC Barcelona, ??focused on patient care with advanced illnesses and palliative care.

About the Barraquer Foundation.

The Barraquer Foundation facilitates access to ophthalmological care for people who belong to vulnerable groups, cared for at the Barraquer Ophthalmology Center in Barcelona and also abroad, through medical expeditions in underprivileged countries. In addition, the Foundation promotes eye health with awareness campaigns, grants scholarships for the training of ophthalmologists and develops research projects. Since its creation in 2003, the Barraquer Foundation has cared for more than 60,000 patients and has established more than 60 agreements with other institutions and entities.