The departure from the Government of the former Ministers of Industry, Tourism and Commerce, Reyes Maroto, and of Health, Carolina Darias, reduces the presence of women in the Council of Ministers by eight percentage points and leaves it practically equal to that of men: 52%.

With the appointment, announced this Monday, of the new ministers Héctor Gómez (Industry) and Manuel Miñones (Health), the Government will be made up of 10 male ministers –Foreign; Inside; Presidency and Relations with the Courts; Agriculture, Fisheries and Food; Culture, Consumption; Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations and Universities–, to which must be added the President of the Executive.

Meanwhile, women are in charge of 12 departments: Economic Affairs (first vice presidency); Work and Social Economy (second vice-presidency); Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (third vice-presidency); Justice; Defending; Tax authorities; Transport, Mobility and the Urban Agenda; Vocational Education and Training; Land Policy; Social Rights and the 2030 Agenda; Science and Innovation and Equality.

After this change, the Council of Ministers will be made up of almost the same number of women (12) as men (11 counting Sánchez), thus complying with the parity that the Chief Executive intends to force in the decision-making bodies with the new law that his team will promote and that he announced on the occasion of Women’s Day, at the beginning of March.

This measure seeks to force the presence of both sexes in these organizations not to have a difference greater than 40%-60%. Sánchez did meet these numbers in the Council of Ministers – counting on him – since the ministers represented 60% of it; but he does not have equal representation within the Presidency team itself, made up, according to the organization chart published by Moncloa, by 17 men, compared to 7 women (29.1%).