It proposes to reduce the real estate tax progressively and bonuses to the tax on mechanically-tracted vehicles


The PP promises in its framework electoral program for the May 28 elections with which its candidates will concur throughout Spain, tax cuts, aid for the self-employed and more support for births and large families. From a fiscal point of view, it proposes to deflate the personal income tax again if there is a legal possibility, to progressively reduce the real estate tax and subsidize the tax on mechanically-tracted vehicles.

This document of electoral commitments of 112 pages and six blocks, under the title ‘Between all, a program for you’, has been presented this Sunday in Guadalajara by the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, in an act that has had the presence of almost the entire leadership of the party and several territorial ‘barons’ of the formation.

Feijóo stated at the event that it is a program to begin the economic, social and institutional “reconstruction” of Spain that contemplates “alleviating the tax burden of Spaniards”, improving the relationship between people and the administration, implementing a Quality Plan Institutional and sign State Pacts in Education, Health and Housing. “This is not a manual of resistance, it is a manual of governance”, he has proclaimed.

The PP considers that low taxes “represent an incentive for the recovery and strengthening of economic activity, as well as for the generation of employment.” “In general, and whenever possible, we are more in favor of strengthening tax exemption policies, always prioritizing the groups that need it most, compared to subsidy policies,” he says in his program.

For this reason, it promises to reduce the tax burden “always within a framework of budgetary stability and sustainable public accounts, with special attention to the effects that price increases have produced on the purchasing power of the most vulnerable and the middle classes, as well as as well as in the competitiveness of companies”.

In addition, it says that they will continue with “the reduction of the real estate tax progressively” and will promote “the application of environmental bonuses for those properties in which charging points for electric vehicles or systems for the use of solar energy and energy efficiency actions.

Regarding income tax, he says that the Autonomous Communities governed by the Popular Party have been the first to apply personal income tax deflation. “And we will continue to do so as soon as the legal possibility exists, thinking above all of low and medium incomes,” he promises.

In the municipal tax on mechanically-tracted vehicles, the PP undertakes to promote “the application of discounts by type of fuel and characteristics of the engines and their impact on the environment, thus contributing, in addition, to the objectives of improving quality of the air in our cities”.

Regarding the economic activities tax, he says that they will reduce the situation coefficient and establish bonuses for companies that start the exercise of any business activity, both for companies with losses and for those that increase the average number of contract workers undefined.

Likewise, in order to promote environmental sustainability, the PP undertakes to apply discounts on this tax for those activities that install systems for the use of renewable energy, implement transportation plans for their employees or install charging points for electric vehicles.

With the aim of encouraging economic activity and job creation, the PP promises to reduce “the tax on constructions, installations and works”, and also to advance in the reduction of the inheritance tax and donations between direct relatives, as well as in that of the estate tax.

In its program, the PP also undertakes to “redouble aid to the self-employed”, who constitute “a fundamental pillar in the economy and in society”, especially when they are the ones who “have the most bill for the erratic economic policy of debt and inflation of the current government”.

With this objective, the PP proposes a “zero rate” for new self-employed workers, but also a rate of 50 euros for self-employed workers under 25 years of age who are studying higher, regulated or Vocational Training studies.

In his program, he also expresses his support for companies, their growth and recognition. “We do not consider those who create employment our enemies, because our enemy is unemployment,” he affirms, adding that they will continue working “for the defense and dignity of business activity as an instrument for creating wealth and social integration through the generation of employment”.

After setting the demographic challenge as an objective, he exposes his “unequivocal support for the birth rate” and says that his commitment is to continue expanding both direct aid and tax discounts for families.

Although in his program there is no reference to abortion -which the PP considers a woman’s right in accordance with the law, although not a fundamental right-, he is committed to protecting maternity. As he adds, the situation of vulnerability of women at risk of exclusion is amplified by maternity.

“The public administrations must implement support measures for women who want to be mothers, especially for the youngest, with aid for training and continuing studies; more flexible hours in educational centers, or scholarships for study and training for young mothers without financial and/or family support”, she adds.

In addition, the PP proposes “to continue promoting comprehensive support plans for families at the regional and local level, with differentiated special protection measures depending on the different types of families that have been consolidated in recent years.”

“We recognize the special contribution of large families and we promise to continue strengthening support for them from the institutions, both from the point of view of financial aid and tax benefits,” he says.

In the chapter referring to industry, the PP undertakes to “urgently support those regions at risk of deindustrialization, eliminating obstacles to try to avoid the closure or relocation of companies that have been and must continue to be the support of employment in those zones, guaranteeing in any case the environmental protection regulations”.

As he adds, the future of the industrial sector involves promoting its transformation and preparing it so that it is in a position to respond with guarantees to technological challenges. For this reason, “‘renew’ plans will be promoted to subsidize the replacement of old vehicles and machinery with others with low emissions.”

“We will also make a coordinated effort by all the Administrations so that fiber optics and 5G networks reach all production and logistics centers, especially industrial estates,” he assures.

After emphasizing that the countryside and the sea have a “future”, the PP advances that it will request the revision of the CAP Strategic Plan to improve the viability of agricultural and livestock farms, seeking stability in the sector, improving its financing and avoiding greater bureaucracy. “All this, to guarantee the sustainability of the Spanish countryside. The objective is to help large farms, but also smaller ones and organic farms,” ??he adds.