La Caixa Foundation has once again positioned itself as the company with the best corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the most socially committed, according to all the audiences consulted by the most recent ‘Business Success Study’, carried out by Advice Strategic Consultants.

El Corte Inglés, CaixaBank, Inditex and Telefónica follow in the ranking and complete the ‘Top 5’ of companies with the greatest leadership in sustainability. Mercadona, Santander, Iberdrola, Cellnex Telecom and Bankinter enter the ‘Top 10’.

The report also includes a ranking by sector in which, in addition to locating each of the previously mentioned companies in their respective areas, Seat stands out in the automotive business, Danone in food or Meliá in the tourism branch.

“In 2024, there will be an evolution in the perception of the social commitment of companies in Spain. For the general population, SMEs and the self-employed, CSR must be materialized in tangible activities. Compliance, greater or lesser, with ESG parameters leads to occupy positions in prestigious rankings,” stated Jorge Díaz Cardiel, general managing partner of Advice Strategic Consultants.

The ‘La Caixa’ Foundation is mentioned as the first company in the ESG ranking of Advice Strategic Consultants for being the Spanish entity that allocates the most economic resources to transforming society. La Caixa’s focus is especially on those programs with the greatest transformative impact, such as those that combat child poverty and social exclusion, those that promote employment and those that help improve the living conditions of the most vulnerable people.

Accessibility and other measures that promote integration are the factors that lead El Corte Inglés to position itself as the second company with the greatest social responsibility. Its social commitment is reflected in programs that generate economic and social value, employment and workload for SMEs.

For its part, CaixaBank stands as the leading bank in terms of social commitment for having financing programs that seek to solve challenges such as inequality, climate change and boost the real economy, “putting banking at the service of the people”

Inditex has managed to climb to fourth place, from sixth in the previous ranking. The multinational of Galician origin stands out for having a planetary vision of social action, due to its global presence in many markets and countries, and for having projects that generate a positive impact on communities.

Meanwhile, Telefónica has managed to remain in fifth position due to its inclusive nature in terms of connectivity, bringing digitalization to more and more people in both rural and urban areas. Furthermore, the teleoperator stands out for its commitment to monetize the environmental impact caused, either directly or indirectly, by the activities it carries out.