The General Secretariat for Public Administration has received the report from the General Service Inspection of the Government of Andalusia on the possible contracting by an insurer Miguel Ángel Guzmán, former vice-minister of Health and former manager of the Andalusian Health Service (SAS), in which determines that “if it materializes, it would constitute a breach of the regulations on incompatibilities for senior positions as long as it occurred before July 29 of this year”, the date on which two years would have passed since his termination from the SAS.

This report is known hours after the former Deputy Minister of Health of the Government of Andalusia, Miguel Ángel Guzmán, announced that he was going to postpone the decision to join any work activity, in reference to his signing by the private insurer Asisa, until the Board issues the report on the incompatibility or not of his arrival to that new position, as stated in a statement sent to Europa Press.

According to the document sent to the General Secretariat, dependent on the Ministry of Justice, Local Administration and Public Function, the incompatibility would be motivated by the fourteen contracts that the Andalusian Health Service signed with the entities linked to the insurance company group between November 2019 and June 2022. At this stage, “although the contracts were not signed directly by Guzmán”, but by the General Director of Health Care and Results by delegation of signature, “this does not alter competition”, explains the Board in a statement sent to Europa Press.

Therefore, “if said contractual relationship materializes, it will constitute a breach of the regulations on incompatibilities for senior officials,” he concludes. On the other hand, he considers that “the data available does not indicate that there may be non-compliance with the norm during Miguel Ángel Guzmán Ruiz’s time as deputy director.” Law 2/2021, of June 18, on the fight against fraud and corruption in Andalusia and protection of the complainant, modified in its second final provision Law 3/2005, of April 8, on Incompatibilities of Senior Officials of The Administration of the Junta de Andalucía and the Declaration of Activities, Assets, Interests and Remuneration of Senior Officials and other Public Officials limits, due to incompatibility, the activities that said senior officials can carry out during the two years following their dismissal.

Therefore, in the case of Guzmán, the two years of his termination as manager of the SAS would expire on July 29, 2024, the date from which he could formalize his contract. “Given the information in recent days, being convinced of having complied with the law at all times, I have learned from the media that the General Inspection of Services of the Government of Andalusia is preparing a report given the notoriety of the case,” began the message spread by Guzmán. The former manager of the Andalusian Health Service (SAS) added that he believes that “the most prudent thing is to postpone the decision to join any work activity until said report is issued, which, as it cannot be otherwise, I will abide by the terms that be pronounced.”

This statement also came a few hours after the Minister of Health and Consumer Affairs, Catalina García, stated that she hopes that Public Function, of the Ministry of Justice, will issue “shortly, this week” the report on the incompatibility or not of the former vice-minister. García explained that Guzmán did not communicate his return to the private company, which would have made it possible to have the report of incompatibility or not sooner.

In any case, he insisted that “when a person accesses a public political position, he or she must have the possibility of returning to work.” Likewise, he recalled that Miguel Ángel Guzmán “comes from the private sphere” and that “he always has to return to work in accordance with the Law” after presenting his resignation for “personal reasons”, as was argued in December when his departure was announced. .