The film critic Carlos Boyero publishes a kind of memoir in ‘I don’t know if I explain’ (Espasa), in which he compiles his artistic and life philias and phobias and in which he also assures that he will be “buried without ever having voted.” “, despite the fact that he was “tempted” to vote for Podemos.

“15-M seemed like something very nice and very necessary to me and, for a moment, I believed the message of Podemos, which was its representative. But it was like in the movies, when you go there you stay paralyzed and say to yourself ‘ No, man, the same thing as always is going to happen,” the journalist explained in an interview with Europa Press, who celebrates not having given the vote to the then Pablo Iglesias party because he would have “regretted it.”

Boyero has claimed to be aware of living in a “very unfair world and has always been so”, but maintains that he will not vote for any political party because he does not believe “in anyone”, despite sympathizing with left-wing ideology. He doesn’t like the current President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, whose political actions seem “frivolous” to him.

In this sense, he explained that it seems that “anything” that goes outside the line set by the Government is considered “fachosphere.” “But there must be a lot of people there, more and more, because the sides are so fixed that if you are not from this one, you are from the other,” he lamented.

In his book, written with the collaboration of journalist Borja Hermoso, Boyero dedicates a chapter to his well-known feud with film director Pedro Almodóvar, describing the filmmaker as “expendable” and a “dishonest” guy. However, Boyero is not capable of to say if the negative criticism of the author of ‘Hable con ella’ has been what has caused “the most problems” in his career.

“Let’s say that everything negative, in general, has caused me the same problems. I arouse a lot of affection and, from time to time, scandals, but for saying exclusively what I think. Which does not mean that that is the truth, because it is something very relative,” he explained.

In this sense, he understands that these “problems” are generated both by writing about cinema and by writing about life and that when someone is “annoyed”, it is because they do not agree with a bad review. “There is always someone angry, except when I say that everything seems fine to me. Formidable, isn’t it?”, she said ironically.

Asked about ‘metoo’ in cinema, he claims to have “many doubts” about its usefulness, in addition to confirming that he does not know of any case in the Spanish sector. Boyero also advocates that when these cases occur, they be reported, instead of giving a version in the media.

“If these people feel violated or defiled by power, the first thing these women should do is file a complaint. And let the law investigate and decide. But to go around telling it… I think they are doing atrocities, it’s all very confusing and very dangerous,” he defended, while regretting situations such as those experienced by the filmmaker Woody Allen or the actor Kevin Spacey – both of whom have been exonerated by the courts of the accusations received -.

At seventy years old, Boyero admits that he does not know what future awaits him, although he does not see himself writing. “I practically don’t go out, I spend my life locked up in my house, which isn’t paradise, but I have books and I have movies: that is my refuge and what accompanies me these days,” he concluded.