The third vice president of the Government and minister for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, Teresa Ribera, has confirmed that work is being done on how to make the extraordinary tax on banks and energy companies permanent, although including incentive formulas for reinvestment in ecological transition, despite the fact that there will be no General State Budgets (PGE) for this year.

In The Informative Breakfasts of Europa Press, Ribera pointed out that we will have to look at the possibility of introducing this modification to the tax “in some Law that is currently being processed.”

Initially, it was planned that this reformulation of the extraordinary tax would be included in the PGE for 2024, since the tax was temporary for two years -2023 and 2024-. In this regard, the minister indicated that it will be necessary to find a place for its processing, since if not, the measure will decline at the end of this year. “The Ministries of Finance, Industry and we are seeing how to fit this investment incentive,” she said.

Thus, Ribera highlighted that the political proposal is to evolve this tax “towards a system that allows incentivizing investment.” “That is, if this investment occurs, it makes no sense to maintain this capital benefit,” he said, adding that the reserve is left to “the first vice president (María Jesús Montero, Minister of Finance), who is the one who leads this dossier”.