The deputy of Sumar and leader of the ‘commons’ Gerardo Pisarello has suggested that automatic extensions be carried out in rental contracts, as long as the owner does not need the property to live, and that the sale of large-scale homes be prohibited ” Vulture funds”.

Without going into detail about the form of the proposals, Pisarello stated this Tuesday at a press conference that it is necessary to act from the administrations and from social organizations to protect tenants “against speculation.”

Something that, in his opinion, the Executive has already begun to do with measures such as the Housing Law, approved in the last legislature. But current data, says Pisarello, portray the “housing emergency” in Spain, making it necessary to “act more forcefully.”

These actions involve applying the recently approved rental price reference index in all territories and in those municipalities where it is already applied, for example in Catalonia, more inspections are carried out to verify its correct functioning.

“We need more inspections and non-compliance to be punished so that large landowners cannot circumvent the law,” he stressed at a press conference in Congress.

Next, the first secretary of the Congress Board has insisted on the need to regulate seasonal rentals, considering that they have currently become “a real hole that allows large speculators to abusively increase prices.” .

“The housing emergency is serious and only firmness against speculation can stop us from being a country of rich multi-owners, with poor and suffocated tenants, to become a country of citizens with decent and safe homes,” he said. riveted Pisarello.