The inspector detected that more men were made permanent despite the fact that the conversion of contracts for women was more subsidized


The Joint Commission for Relations with the Court of Accounts will debate this Thursday the report of the supervisory body that warns of the inefficiency of the quota bonus system due to the conversion of internship, relief and replacement contracts due to early retirement into indefinite contracts.

The president of the inspector, Enriqueta Chicano, will appear before members of Congress and the Senate to present the main conclusions of this document, published in 2022, which audited the operation of quota bonuses for converting the different types of contracts into permanent ones.

The report analyzed the bonuses regulated in the PP labor reform in 2012, although the audit covered the years of 2018, when 31,326 contracts worth 12.3 million in bonuses were converted to permanent contracts; and 2019, the year in which 34,500 contracts were made permanent for incentives of 13.9 million euros.

According to the court’s analysis, this public performance of incentives is inefficient and is only relatively effective, which is why it advised the Ministry of Labor to evaluate its intervention.

The supervisory body also confirmed with this document the lack of reports or continuous evaluation of active employment policies that support the design of these quota bonuses when converting contracts into permanent ones.

Likewise, it warned that there was no strategic plan to assess the effectiveness of the incentives in achieving its objectives, nor why an incentive of 500 euros per year was set for men and 700 euros per year for women. It should be noted that the court discovered that despite the greater amount for making women indefinite, more men were made indefinite.

On the other hand, the document revealed that although in internship contracts those converted by bonus were very similar in percentage terms between both sexes, the differences increased substantially in the case of relief and replacement contracts.

In replacement contracts, 68% of men benefited compared to 31% of women, while in replacement contracts the percentage was 30% for women and 70% for men.

With all this data, the auditor recommended that the Ministry of Labor study the design of a strategic plan on quota bonuses globally considered and carry out periodic evaluations in order to assess public intervention.

Likewise, it entrusted the State Public Employment Service (SEPE) to promote the necessary collaborative actions with the Labor Inspection and the General Treasury of Social Security to improve the effectiveness of the fight against possible fraud by sending information and documentation. necessary on contracts and management and control criteria.