He assures that Catalonia “is much better” than in 2017 thanks to the pardons and amnesty

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has warned PP and Vox that patriotism means accepting Spain as it is and paying the Treasury: “Fewer lessons in patriotism and more complying with the country by paying taxes,” he said in reference to the tax controversy. about the partner of the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso.

“Their patriotism ends up in their pockets. There is nothing more unpatriotic than defrauding the Treasury,” because that is how public policies are applied, he added this Sunday at the closing of the 15th Congress of the PSC, which has named Salvador Illa leader of the party and candidate for the Catalan elections.

He has also stated verbatim that the right and the extreme right “do not accept Spain as it is”: politically plural and territorially diverse, with different languages ??and cultures, and added that only the PSOE can govern the current complexity.

He has regretted that the PP and Vox proposal for Catalonia is “a permanent 155” and would make pro-independence parties illegal, which he believes would lead to a permanent state of exception.

Instead, he has highlighted the political temperance of socialism in the face of “the insults and polarization” practiced by the right and the extreme right, and has assured that the formulas practiced by the socialists have made Catalonia much better than in 2017.


He has defended pardons and the Amnesty Law as instruments for political normalization and coexistence, and has assured that, with these grace measures, coexistence, growth, employment, rights, political stability and ordinary citizens.

Sánchez has assured that the arrival of the PP to the Moncloa in 2011 “aggravated” the discontent in Catalonia that began as a result of the 2010 ruling against the Statute, and has assured that the management of the PSOE since 2018 has focused on building coexistence, cohesion social and territorial.

“If we think about these last six years, I believe that no one can argue that Catalonia is much better today than in 2017, and that is thanks to a socialist government in Spain,” he concluded.