Gamarra accuses the PSOE of closing “a secret, corrupt transaction abroad that guarantees total impunity” to Puigdemont


This Wednesday, Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s PP denounced the “humiliation” of the President of the Government before Junts in order to approve the amnesty law and stated that with this step Spain “asks for forgiveness from the independence movement by order of Pedro Sánchez.” For this reason, he has announced that they will fight the agreement on this rule “in the institutions and in the courts,” according to party sources.

This is how the PP has spoken after PSOE, Junts and ERC – through a joint statement – have announced an agreement on the amnesty law “after days of joint work” although without revealing the content of the agreement until tomorrow. same. This Thursday the Congressional Justice Commission meets, which must issue a new opinion on the norm and send it to the Plenary Session.

According to the PP, this country “has normalized the PSOE to send writings with its logo along with those of the parties that want to dismember” the country. “The agreement of the socialists with Junts and ERC is evidence that Sánchez accepts that during a specific period of time in Catalonia there were no laws to comply with and that there are no longer sentences to apply,” ‘popular’ sources have denounced.

According to the PP, Spain “asks for forgiveness from the independence movement by order of Pedro Sánchez.” “We do not accept this humiliation. In the PSOE there are two types of corruption: that which is generated by money and that which is produced by power,” he noted, adding that in recent days “socialism is stained in both directions.”

Thus, he has assured that “some became rich due to economic corruption”, alluding to the ‘Koldo case’ relating to an alleged bribery scheme in the purchase of masks during the pandemic. And because of political corruption, he continued, “some are still powerful.”

“Our dignity cannot be sold for the parliamentary needs of Pedro Sánchez, who a month ago flatly denied any further changes to his Amnesty Law,” PP sources have added.

What’s more, the Popular Party has assured that the PSOE spokesperson, Esther Peña, only two days ago rejected new modifications to the text. “Her word is worthless,” the same sources have added.

Feijóo’s PP, which had already announced its intention to appeal this rule before the Constitutional Court when it is approved, has promised to act both in Parliament and in the courts. “We will fight this agreement in the institutions and in the courts,” the aforementioned sources have assured.

In the same way, the general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, has indicated that “the PSOE on Monday said that it would not make changes to its impunity law” while “the PSOE on Wednesday reached a secret, corrupt transaction and in foreigner who guarantees the total impunity that is required of him to continue in Moncloa”.

“They don’t even respect themselves. Their word is worthless,” Feijóo’s ‘number two’ stated in a message on the social network X, formerly Twitter, which Europa Press has collected.