The judge of the National Court investigating the role of ‘Tsunami Democràtic’ in the altercations after the ‘procés’ ruling in 2019 has rejected the claim of the defense of one of those investigated, Oriol Soler, that he withdraw from the charges against two of the three police officers accused of injuries suffered in one of the demonstrations.

In an order, to which Europa Press has had access, Judge Manuel García Castellón explains that, in his appeal, Soler “argues, in essence, that the events by which the national police officers were injured are not the subject of this procedure, and who therefore lack legitimacy to appear”.

In response, the magistrate for “procedural economy” refers to what he already agreed on January 24 regarding another identical request presented by another of those investigated, Marta Molina, and reminds the defense that if they are not satisfied they can appeal to the Criminal Court on appeal.

It should be remembered that in that order to which the magistrate refers he indicated that the serious injuries suffered by two police officers in the altercations that occurred on October 18, 2019 in the Plaza de Urquinaona and Vía Laietana in Barcelona were “incompatible with the right to life and physical integrity recognized in article 15 of the Constitution, and article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights”.

Marta Molina alleged that these acts were not attributable to Tsunami but to the Committees for the Defense of the Republic (CDR), so they could not be linked to the case in which the agents appeared, but García Castellón pointed out that this argument could not serve to exempt Tsunami from any responsibility, “as if the presence of some –CDR– totally displaced the responsibility of others.”

García Castellón stated in that order that Tsunami “was not a stone ‘guest’ to the mobilizations that shook different cities in Catalonia, and that had as one of its bloodiest scenarios the events that broke out on Vía Laietana and in the Plaza Urquinaona of Barcelona”.

Next, he recalled that in the reasoned statement that he submitted to the Supreme Court, it was already mentioned that Tsunami had announced that day on social networks the call for a general strike, with the following text: “We thought that the sentence was the end of a movement and “It has been its restart. Today we blockade the country to remember a solution and exercise our rights and freedoms.”

The judge explained that it was precisely “under the cover of this strike that serious alterations of social peace and public order occurred.”

On the other hand, he insisted that the fact that there were members of the CDR “does not exempt” Tsunami from responsibility and explained that the evidence points to the platform’s participation in the events of that day.

He added that the conversation between the former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont and one of those investigated was “especially striking as an incriminating clue” in which the former “seems to assume the possibility that fatalities could have occurred, and his capacity, while he held the control of the action, to stop this possibility”.

The judge also highlighted the seriousness of the injuries suffered by the police officers, which, in the case of one of them, were caused by a strong blow to the top of the regulation helmet caused by a blunt object thrown by one of the officers. participants in the demonstrations.

It indicated that as a result of the brutality of the impact, the protective helmet fractured and the agent collapsed to the ground, unconscious, suffering a series of injuries that have made him unable to practice his profession.

It is clear, said the judge, “that the result of this action was very serious injuries, a harmful result that the investigation must investigate if it is objectively attributable to the action of Tsunami and its organizers.”