Judge García Castellón relies on these incidents to maintain that there was terrorism


A report prepared by the security company ‘Segurisa’ that was providing service at the El Prat airport on October 14, 2019 when protesters allegedly summoned by ‘Tsunami Democràtic’ took over the facilities in protest of the ‘procés’ ruling, describes the minute by minute of the altercations: “1:12 p.m., there is a group of alleged CDRs trying to access (…) the airport facilities.”

This report, and that of the Ilunion company, to which Europa Press has had access, give an account of what its employees experienced in that attempt to take over the airport, facts on which the judge of the National Court investigating is based. the role of the ‘Tsunami’ platform, Manuel García Castellón, to maintain that there was indirectly a crime of terrorism.

The ‘Segurisa’ document that includes all the incidents of that day, records that at 1:12 p.m. one of its employees confirms that “there is a group of alleged CDRs trying to access the elevator (…) and the up ramp to the airport facilities”, and three minutes later, another worker requests reinforcement “to avoid possible intrusions.”

From the security control room it was then decided to monitor the “CDR concentrations” using closed-circuit cameras and at 1:38 p.m. they observed on their monitors how a “massive crowding occurred in the corridor” that connects the intermodal zone of the airport. .

By then, the arrival of citizens to the protest is growing and, at 1:50 p.m., Segurisa receives the communication that access to the airport by Renfe and Metro is closed. Ten minutes later, the head of the security division communicates that several more entrances must be closed “to avoid possible intrusions” and only one entrance is left open.

It is then (2:10 p.m.) when the Segurisa report states that “police charges are taking place inside the intermodal railway concourse” and that the CDR are cutting “the access road to T1 –Terminal 1–” .

The report jumps more than two hours and ends at 4:40 p.m., when it registers a crowd of protesters in front of PR3 – one of the entrances – and an hour later it reports more crowds.

The action, allegedly promoted by ‘Tsunami’, is gaining weight over the hours, and this means that the report records that at 7:14 p.m. anti-panic buttons were pressed at two check-in counters in El Prat, and that after communicating with those positions They told them that they were “scared by the protesters” who were outside the terminal.

This massive arrival of people means that at 8:10 p.m. the airport’s Operations Coordination Center (CECOPS) made the decision that “all pending international non-Schengen arrival flights in Terminal 1” must be moved to Terminal 2.

Five minutes later, Segurisa receives a communication from the crisis office in which it is informed that “a special operation begins with which passengers arriving on flights from Terminal 1 board (…) in flower boxes to the Terminal 2 and that the luggage from the arriving flights in Terminal 1 will be released by the baggage claim carousels in Terminal 2. This shows that one of the two terminals was left inoperative.

At 8:30 p.m., the report records that they inform the person in charge of the Ilunion company that he must open one of the vehicle accesses but “only for the entry of catering trucks.” Already at 10:00 p.m. they realized that on the closed circuit they observed that the crowds of protesters were dispersing.

Ilunion’s report, more concise, reports several incidents on that day, such as broken glass as a result of the demonstrations, the closure of elevators and several entrances to try to contain the entry of more people.

It so happens that the magistrate, in an order from November 2023, highlighted that these altercations and disturbances inside El Prat “caused a serious alteration of public peace” and that there were “important public disorders and damage” with direct impact on the freedom of movement of numerous citizens and that “the physical integrity of numerous members of the Security Forces and Corps, of the protesters themselves, of travelers and workers at the facility, in addition to their own safety, was put at risk.” air”. In fact, he emphasizes that in that context “the death of a person occurred.”

García Castellón explained that those riots on the first day left a total of 125 injured, of which 47 were police officers. And he added that the investigation will determine whether the deceased in El Prat is attributable to those responsible for the Tsunami.

Likewise, it estimated the damages at €978,000 for Vueling and €1.2 million for AENA, although it clarified that this second figure was corrected by the Ministry of Transport in August 2023, which placed it at €815,000.