Tellado says that Junts has decided to “squeeze a little more” out of Sánchez, who can only “survive” if he agrees to include treason in the law

The spokesperson for the Popular Group in Congress, Miguel Tellado, assured this Tuesday that seeing the Minister of Justice, Félix Bolaños, “be silent” while in the Plenary Session of Congress on the Amnesty Law the judges are “insulted” by the independence parties, “disqualifies” him from continuing in office.

Tellado’s words against the head of Justice come the day before the meeting called in Brussels by the Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders, and which will be attended by the Deputy Secretary of Institutional Affairs of the PP, Esteban González Pons, and the Minister Bolaños, to try to unblock the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ).

Tellado has stressed that “seeing the Minister of Justice remain silent while in the Chamber the parliamentary headquarters are insulted and the judges” of Spain are discredited “disqualifies him from continuing even one more day at the head of the ministry he occupies.”

The leader of the PP has stressed that “the credibility of Mr. Bolaños as Minister of Justice has fallen to the ground” by not reacting when in parliament “he witnesses an embarrassing spectacle and watches how his parliamentary partners insult the judges.”

“He who remains silent, grants, and that certainly disqualifies him for the responsibilities he occupies,” he added, to ensure that he could have asked to speak in the Plenary of Congress and has not done so. However, the minister has expressed to journalists his absolute rejection of the criticism leveled against the judiciary and has defended his work.

When asked if this disqualifies Bolaños from reaching an agreement in the CGPJ with the mediation of the Commissioner of Justice, Tellado indicated that Reynders “when he looks at the images of this plenary session he will be surprised that the Minister of Justice has not defended the honorability of the judges”.

Tellado has stated that Bolaños “comes out of this plenary session tremendously shaken and that he certainly has not dignified the position he holds as Minister of Justice,” he proclaimed. “I think that the Minister of Justice of the Sánchez Government has been left in a very bad place, in as bad a place as his own boss,” he highlighted.


After Junts voted against the overall vote on the amnesty law so that it returns to the Congressional Justice Commission, Tellado stated that Junts “has decided that it can still squeeze a little more out of Pedro Sánchez” and ” Nobody” in the PSOE has said that it will not be left.

“It would be good for the PSOE to clarify if what the Socialist Party does not accept today, they will not accept it in a few days when the law returns to the Justice Commission, because the truth is that without the support of Junts there is no legislature for Pedro Sánchez,” he exclaimed.

Tellado has indicated that the image that the Spaniards have been able to see from the Plenary is one of “unsurpassable visual hardness”, after seeing that Carles Puigdemont’s party considers that “it can still extract something more from Sánchez’s PSOE.”

“The humiliation to which the Socialist Party decides to submit has no precedent. It is another indecent plenary session of a Government that wanders through the Chamber, wanders through the institutions accustomed to the ‘fright or death’ to which the independentists subject it,” he proclaimed .

In his opinion, the coalition government “can only survive at this time if, in addition to sedition, embezzlement and terrorism, it now also agrees to incorporate the crime of high treason into the Amnesty Law.”

“It hurts to see a President of the Government without dignity, sitting in the Chamber, swallowing absolutely everything that the independentists demand of him and without even being able to count on their support,” he stated, adding that the PP is concerned about the “social humiliation to which” Spanish democracy and the Constitution are subjected.

Tellado has stated that it is “difficult to contemplate a greater humiliation in parliament” than what they saw this afternoon in the Plenary Session of Congress. “The PSOE has not stood up, the PSOE has been stood up,” he emphasized.


At this point, he has told the PSOE that if it has any “dignity” left, it will “paralyze” the processing of the failed Amnesty Law after the “shame” they have experienced today. “One cannot be president of the government of a country, at this price and at this cost,” he concluded.

This Wednesday, January 31, before traveling to Brussels to participate the following day in the EPP Leaders’ Summit, the president of the PP will chair the meeting of the party’s Steering Committee to analyze, among other matters, what happened with the Amnesty Law , according to training sources.