“It would seem like an adventure of ‘Mortadelo and Filemón'”

The president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, criticized this Friday the arguments and “lies” of the National Intelligence Center (CNI) to justify the need to spy on it and has asked to go to the end to clarify responsibilities.

This was stated in statements to the media after it emerged that the CNI investigated Aragonès because it believed that he was the one who directed the Defense Committees of the Republic (CDR) and that, for this reason, the ‘Pegasus’ software was installed. ‘ on your mobile.

“If it were not for this justification that I have been subjected for at least 9 months to illegitimate espionage, it would be laughable, it would seem like a ‘Mortadelo and Filemón’ adventure. The lies that have been included are regrettable,” he added.

Thus, he has assured that he would be concerned about the fact that national security is in the hands of intelligence services that commit “errors of this magnitude” because, in his opinion, someone with a minimum of knowledge of the Catalan political reality would see that The CNI’s arguments do not hold up.

According to Aragonès, hidden behind the CNI’s arguments is that there was “the political intention of spying, of having access to privacy and communications to destroy a legitimate project, that of defending the freedom of Catalonia.”

Thus, he stressed that he has always defended the independence of Catalonia and that he has always done so using “all the democratic means” that he has had at his disposal thanks to the trust that the citizens have given him, he said.

“I did it when I was vice president of the Government and today as president of the Generalitat I do the same, defending the independence of Catalonia. And for this reason they should not spy on me, no matter how many arguments are invented that cannot stand,” he stressed.

For Aragonès, what the CNI documents confirm is that “‘Operation Catalunya’ has had a second part, which has been the massive espionage of people for their commitment to the independence of Catalonia.”

“And, furthermore, he has done so by including some statements that are beyond all reality and common sense,” added the Catalan president, who regretted that the documents to which they have had access are incomplete and with censored elements, he said. .

He has also regretted that these documents justify the espionage of his people by considering that he led the CDR in hiding, a concept that he considers they do not need: “We defend in plain light and before the whole world what we want for the country, the independence”.

Regarding the fact that the former director of the CNI Paz Esteban is scheduled to appear this Friday, he believes that it will be the first time that the State intelligence services will be subjected to “scrutiny”, and the first opportunity to try to put order and limits on espionage. that they have carried out.

“We will go to the end. Today we will be clear. It is the first time that there is a procedure of this nature and we will take advantage of it,” he concluded.