He calls for breaking the two-party system and his achievements in the Government, in addition to thanking his bases for defending the party “tooth and nail”

Podemos has vindicated the validity of its project on its tenth anniversary of its emergence into the political sphere, admitting that the last few months “have not been easy”, and has thanked its membership for defending the party “tooth and nail”.

The purple formation has spread a video on the networks, under the motto that they are the party of ‘those who do not look the other way’, in which they defend their key role in ending the “two-party system”, their achievements when they were part of the Coalition government and proclaim that it maintains intact its vocation to continue promoting transformations in the country.

The general secretary of Podemos, Ione Belarra, points out in that audiovisual piece that they are aware that they come from the spirit of 15M and the “indignation” that led them to “flood the streets” to say “no to the cuts that caused so much pain.” to the people”.

Also the former minister and ‘number two’ of the party, Ione Belarra, has explained that everything achieved by the party and admits that the last few months have not been easy for Podemos and that they have had to make “very difficult decisions”, adopted from the “compass” of his militancy.

“We have the objective that Podemos will be even more useful to Spain in the next decade than we have been these ten years. And we want to thank you because you have defended this political tool tooth and nail,” he proclaimed.

Belarra y Montero has stressed that with those registered they will continue “setting the pace” and continue “transforming the country.” “With reasons and hope intact we know that ‘yes we can. Today, we can do more than ever,” they emphasize in that video.

In subsequent statements near Congress, the leader of Podemos pointed out that it is “very clear” that Podemos “has radically changed the political landscape” and that in this decade they have shown that things could be changed despite being told that it was impossible. .

Thus, he has boasted that Podemos makes politics for ordinary people and to look “in the face of power” and that their history is one of “success”, even though they are now going through “a difficult time.” “But he who wants to win always loses sometimes, so now what we are working on is to be even more useful to the people of our country in the next decade,” he concluded.

Sources from the party have highlighted that Podemos managed to “implode” the two-party system in Spain and promote “more transformative policies” from the Government and Congress. And among them he cites the Trans Law, the Housing Law, the increase in the minimum wage or the promotion of the Minimum Living Income among others.

They also highlight that the party has denounced political corruption and has suffered “countless attacks from the media and judiciary”, with dozens of “lawfare” cases that have finally been archived by the courts.

” Podemos aims to continue being a useful tool for the citizens of our country and to do so it relies on its militancy, which is what sets the direction of the organization. Hand in hand with those registered, Podemos faces this new stage with the vocation intact to continue transforming and achieving improvements for lives,” the party emphasizes.


The anniversary of Podemos’s anniversary is marked by the clash with Sumar after his vote against the unemployment benefit reform and his commitment to the European elections to try to rearm.

Furthermore, the party is trying to rebuild its territorial structure, weakened after the setback of the last regional elections, and with poor prospects for the elections in Galicia, according to the polls released.

Since its presentation in the public sphere on January 17, 2014 at the Teatro del Barrio, in the Madrid neighborhood of Lavapiés, the situation of the party is far from its initial strength, in the heat of the effects of 15M, when it was the surprise in the European elections that year by winning five seats with its former leader Pablo Iglesias and his speech challenging bipartisan politics.

Podemos’s peak moment was in 2015 when it garnered five million votes, which first earned it 69 seats in Congress and 71 in the repeat election that year, this time in alliance with IU. Furthermore, he was key in promoting the candidacies of popular unity that were achieved by the so-called ‘municipal councils of change’ in Madrid, Barcelona, ??Cádiz, Zaragoza, La Coruña, Ferrol and Santiago.

The internal disputes led to the majority of the party’s co-founders no longer being part of the party and even some of its prominent cadres who were in its ranks are now part of Sumar, as is the case of Minister Pablo Bustinduy.

And the project led by Vice President Yolanda Díaz, which Iglesias proposed as an electoral poster when he left the Government, now plays the main role on the left of the PSOE, with a presence in the coalition Executive and a confluence where they are involved in its deployment Más Madrid, IU and En Comú Podem, in addition to the electoral alliance with regionalist formations such as Compromís.

Podemos experienced its first electoral decline in the 2019 regional elections and also had a strong setback in the general elections, which, however, allowed it to enter the coalition government with PSOE.

After Iglesias left politics in 2021, the bicephaly that was attempted to be articulated with the leadership of Ione Belarra in the party and Díaz as a candidate did not work, given that Díaz began to take steps to put together Sumar with a long episode of misgivings where The purple ones saw losing their hegemonic role in the alternative left.

Despite the constant disagreements, Sumar and Podemos ran together in the general elections of 23J but the purples decided to leave the parliamentary group.


Now, the situation for Podemos is far from that peak moment of 2015 and 2016 and, with five deputies in the Mixed Group, its strategy is to become a key actor during the legislature in Congress, once it has ceased to be a force of government.

In their new political roadmap, the Morados proclaimed their full political autonomy, making it clear that their votes are not given away and are negotiated in Congress, and the party leadership proclaimed that they were no longer subject to the discipline of the Government. In this way, their plan is to exercise a position similar to the ERC, Bildu or BNG to influence from their seats in an Executive with a parliamentary minority.