Buxadé and Reyes Romero lose their vice-presidencies and become members

The leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, made public this Tuesday his proposal for his new Executive, which will have to be ratified in the Extraordinary General Assembly on January 27, in which he leaves the current secretary general, Ignacio Garriga, as the only vice president. while relegating Javier Ortega Smith to member, a position he shares with regional vice presidents.

Furthermore, as reported through his account on the social network

The Vox Executive Committee (CEN) thus goes from having three vice presidents – Ortega Smith, Buxadé and Romero – to only one, Garriga, who also maintains his position as general secretary of the party. In the Vox organizational chart, deputy Pablo Saéz continues to be treasurer.

On the other hand, the members go from five to 17. Buxadé, Ortega Smith and Romero are joined by new faces, rising figures at the national level and others linked to the territorial power that Vox has held since the municipal and regional elections of May 28.

They are the spokesperson in Congress and the general secretary of the parliamentary group, Pepa Rodríguez de Millán and José María Figaredo, in addition to the vice presidents of Castilla y León, Juan García-Gallardo; Murcia, José Ángel Antelo; the Valencian Community, Vicente Barrero; and Aragón, Alejandro Nolasco. He has also introduced the Vox spokesperson in the Murcia City Council, Luis Gestoso, and the president of the Valencian Cortes, Llanos Massó.

Rocío de Meer, Enrique Cabanas and María Ruiz remain and Pedro Fernández leaves, while the current Director of Communication of the Presidency and press chief of the parliamentary group also enters; Rosa Cuervas-Mons; the Deputy Secretary of Government Action, Montserrat Lluis; and deputy Blanca Armario.

The Vox statutes establish that the CEN must be composed of the party president, vice presidents, general secretary, treasurer and members, with the total number of members being between a minimum of eight and a maximum of twenty.

Now, Abascal’s proposal for the new CEN, which consists of twenty members, must be ratified at the Extraordinary General Assembly on January 27, in which he will presumably revalidate his leadership in the formation.

This Tuesday, he reported that he has managed to obtain the necessary endorsements for this, a total of 3,269 or 10% of the full membership, without any potential rivals to his candidacy being recorded for the moment, when the established deadline is met. There was speculation about the possibility that Ortega Smith, who also serves as spokesperson for the Madrid City Council, could challenge Abascal for the Presidency of the party, but in the end he did not take the step.

Thus, he is the only clear candidate, given that the advancement of the internal congress, initially scheduled for March, makes it practically impossible for any member to compete to lead the party. Already in the last assembly, the Vox leader had no opponents and was re-elected without opposition.


In this context, Ortega Smith thanked Abascal for his trust. “It is an honor to continue fighting at your side for Spain and for Freedom. We cannot fail the Spaniards,” he wrote on social networks. Thus, Buxadé has also thanked the leader of Vox, pointing out that he will continue to act “with the same determination as always.” “There is much to do. With them and with everyone! Thank you for the trust, Santiago Abascal. At the service of Spain”, he concluded.

The new vice president of the party, Ignacio Garriga, has indicated that Vox has “a great challenge ahead.” “And many enemies who are not going to give us a truce, but Spain and the Spanish deserve all our work and dedication,” he said.

The parliamentary spokesperson, Pepa Millán, has shown her “honor” for being part of Abascal’s candidacy for the National Executive Committee. “Spain deserves all our dedication and commitment, now more than ever,” he wrote in part, Jose María Figaredo.

Among the new members from the territories, the vice president of Aragon, Alejandro Nolasco, has expressed that it is “an honor to ride alongside Abascal, Garrigavaz and 17 other great colleagues in our candidacy for the National Executive Committee of Vox.” “A unique project, with strong convictions and at the service of millions of Spaniards,” he highlighted.

The president of the Valencian Cortes, Llanos Massó, has stressed that it will be “a great challenge and a great responsibility, and of course, an honor and a pleasure to work alongside you and the rest of the team for the future of this great nation.”

“An honor to continue defending our homeland with Abascal at the helm. I appreciate the trust and I assume this responsibility with determination. Long live Spain!” added the vice president of the Region of Murcia, José Ángel Antelo.