Javier Esparza charges against the leaders of the Socialist Party, whom he describes as “scum”

The UPN parliamentarians left the plenary session of the Navarra Parliament this Thursday in protest against the motion of censure that PSN and EH Bildu have agreed to unseat the regionalist formation from the Mayor’s Office of Pamplona.

The president and parliamentary spokesperson of UPN, Javier Esparza, has harshly attacked the leaders of the Socialist Party, whom he has described as “scum.” “Scum is someone or something that does not deserve any positive evaluation since it is harmful or evil. This is not an insult. It is evident that Chivite and Sánchez are harmful to Navarra. It is evident that what they are doing is vile. The PSN has 11 parliamentarians of the 30 that make up this Government and it becomes a minority. Geroa Bai and EH Bildu add up to 16, they insult us, don’t count on us, it stays here,” Esparza told Chivite.

The president of UPN spoke in these terms during a question about self-government that he had asked the president of the Government of Navarra in the plenary session of Parliament and after concluding his intervention, Esparza himself and the rest of the UPN parliamentarians left the room. of plenary sessions.

The President of the Government of Navarra, María Chivite, has responded that “Esparza is not surprising, he continues with the same hyperbolic, strident and insulting tone, the same as since 2019.”

Chivite added that he can “understand UPN’s anger, because the PSN was in a similar position when UPN kicked us out of the Government, but there is a very clear difference, we do not call citizens to the streets, we do not abandon democratic institutions and of representation of the citizens, and we are not dedicated to insulting. “He and his group show little respect for this House,” he said.

The head of the regional Executive has stated that in this plenary session “we should talk about the management, the decisions and the Government proposals” and, in relation to the question that UPN had registered, Chivite has indicated that “this Government is committed to their self-government, with the deployment of their self-government, we demonstrated it last legislature and we will continue working on the same matter in this legislature.”

Before Chivite gave this response, Esparza stated that “the problem for Navarra and coexistence is Chivite, at this point he has become a puppet at the service of Sánchez, Otegi, Cerdán, Alzórriz, and a puppet of his personal interests, not of the interests of Navarra”. “She is president but her interests are not in Navarra, they are at the service of the PSOE and its seats, that is why she does what she does, she follows exactly what they tell her from Madrid and that is why the decisions that affect Navarra are made in Madrid,” he indicated.

Javier Esparza has stated that “EH Bildu and the PNV decide; if Sánchez’s investiture is supported, there is a transfer of powers, if not, there is none.” “He has turned Spanish politics and the regional regime of Navarra into a marketing, into a totally and absolutely unworthy bazaar,” he assured.

“The Navarrese people have not given a damn, Mrs. Chivite. They have not cared about betraying their own voters, they have not cared about selling Navarra or selling Pamplona, ??the only thing that does not matter to them is power, it is their chair and it is their salary “, has added.

Continuing with the attacks on Chivite, Javier Esparza has stated that “I don’t know how he is not ashamed to negotiate powers or that the PSOE negotiates powers with the EH Bildu terrorists, and I say well, I say EH Bildu terrorists because they are directed by a terrorist convicted of being a terrorist like Mr. Otegi”. “I don’t know how she doesn’t vomit at night, how she has the stomach to do what she’s doing, selling her soul, her principles, her powers, the provincial regime, Pamplona and whatever it takes. Is it worth it for her to be president? Thousands of Navarrese “They would vomit every night with what they are doing, you have to have a special stomach,” he said.

After this, he stated that “they have broken coexistence in Navarra and Chivite is the first responsible for it, they are building a wall following Pedro Sánchez in front of 40% of Navarra society, the leadership of this Socialist Party of Navarra has demonstrated with facts who are scum.”

At this point, the president of the Parliament of Navarra, Unai Hualde, has intervened to point out that “there are limits which are decorum, respect and parliamentary courtesy.”

Esparza continued his intervention by pointing out that “scum is someone or something that does not deserve any positive evaluation since it is harmful or evil.” “This is not an insult,” she said. Once his intervention was over, the UPN spokesperson left the plenary session along with the rest of his group. Unai Hualde has announced that the points that were an initiative of UPN were falling from the agenda.