He condemns the fact that the PSOE grants “impunity to criminals” and wishes “a fair trial” for Sánchez because Vox will not apply “any amnesty” to him.


The leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, criticized the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, this Tuesday, condemning his statements about “hanging Pedro Sánchez by his feet” when he, despite the “demands”, never He joined the “lynching” for the photograph of the ‘popular’ with Marcial Dorado, convicted of drug trafficking.

In the debate on the taking into consideration of the amnesty law for those involved in the ‘procés’, Abascal has dedicated a good part of his intervention to reproaching Feijóo for the PP’s position in the controversy that arose from his statements to the Argentine newspaper ‘Clarín ‘. The ‘popular’ have condemned Abascal’s words, which has caused discomfort within Vox because, in their opinion, the PP is “wrinkling” in front of the PSOE.

“Do you know how many times they have asked me live, on television, to condemn a photo of you with a person for whom they unfairly wanted to link you to drug trafficking and I have never joined in and will never join in in the future? “Those lynchings?” Abascal asked Feijóo during the plenary session.

Along these lines, he has asked the ‘popular’ what exactly they condemn” in the statements to the Argentine media, listing some of the phrases said in the interview, such as that “unscrupulous politicians (referring to Sánchez) have an advantage over those who do have.”

Furthermore, he has told the ‘popular’ leader that the fact that he condemns his statements “demonstrates” that Vox is “necessary” to “condemn the simulacrum of opposition” that, in his opinion, the PP is carrying out. That said, he has justified that his words about Sánchez were a “colloquial expression” and has accused Feijóo of “joining the ‘woke’ policy of canceling that you can no longer say ‘run with hats’, or ‘mantear’ , nor ‘hang by the feet’, nor ‘throw into the bonfire.'”

The relationship between PP and Vox has been strained by the former’s refusal to put together a joint response against the Government of Pedro Sánchez and the amnesty, but the last straw was the agreement reached by the ‘popular’ with PSOE and Sumar to commissions in Congress. As a result of this, Vox has separated itself from Genoa and will only collaborate with the PP at the regional and local level, where they share a multitude of governments.

Regarding the amnesty law, Abascal has highlighted the opposition of the 33 deputies of his party and has described it as the “greatest act of corruption that Congress has seen since the beginning of democracy.” Along these lines, he has stressed that the grace measure represents a “blow to the Constitution, to the equality of Spaniards before the law, to the judicial power, to the rule of law and to the dignity, coexistence and prosperity of Spaniards.”

“The law enshrines the impunity of criminals who are now preparing to do it again,” stated the leader of Vox, before stating that the law will set “the precedent of the price that Sánchez is willing to pay” to govern “as long as the Spaniards pay for it.”

Abascal, who has also attacked the Government’s “winks” to “terrorist groups like Hamas or ETA” and the meetings with Junts in Geneva (Switzerland) to verify the agreement reached with the presence of a mediator, has guaranteed that Vox “is willing to do whatever is necessary” to oppose the amnesty, without specifying specific actions. Finally, he wished Sánchez to have “a fair trial, with judges and prosecutors” because they are not going to grant him “any amnesty.”

Within the Mixed Group, the Canarian Coalition (CC) deputy, Cristina Valido, has admitted that she does not like this amnesty law for its reasons or for the rules. What’s more, she has warned that it does not respond to the general interest, it does not have a “reasonable” social consensus but that it has motivated more division and reproach for those who are going to benefit from it to participate in the promotion of this initiative.

For his part, the UPN deputy, Alberto Catalán, has reproached the PSOE that the amnesty law, which he has called “perversion” and “aberration”, “is payment for the blackmail of secessionism” and “the sole purchase of votes.” and exclusively for an investiture”, in reference to the votes of Junts in the investiture of Pedro Sánchez.

Furthermore, he has stated that the rule is “unconstitutional and illegal”, something that the associations of judges, prosecutors and members of the current and past Government have also said, as he recalled.