The Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Cortes, Félix Bolaños, charged this Saturday against the PP because “he does not care about not complying with the Constitution and discrediting justice” for not facilitating the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ). ) and has asked him to make “constructive opposition.”

In an act of tribute for the 98th anniversary of the death of Pablo Iglesias Posse, founder of the PSOE and the General Union of Workers (UGT), Bolaños criticized that the PP exercises “always destructive opposition, never constructive opposition.”

Likewise, the minister has extended his criticism of the refusal of the main opposition party to sit at a working table, as proposed by the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, to discuss other issues such as the financing model of the Welfare State. , as well as that of the Autonomous Communities and the modification of the word “disabled” in article 49 of the Constitution to adapt it to people with disabilities.

Returning to the state of the judiciary, which has focused most of his intervention, Bolaños has pointed out that the public service of justice “is increasingly deteriorated” as a consequence of the “antidemocratic blockade” of the PP, while his responsibility As Minister of Justice, it is “exactly the opposite: that the Constitution be complied with, that judges and magistrates and all justice professionals can work with appropriate means and, furthermore, without any interference.”

“We need a justice system that recovers institutional normality, that works like a clock with agility, and for that we need to reach an agreement with the main opposition party; I urge you to make a constructive opposition,” Bolaños stressed, emphasizing that “they “There are four years left in the legislature, they are going to be very long.”