It will be two days after the first debate in Congress on the amnesty law and waiting for the Sánchez-Feijóo meeting


The vice president of the European Commission in charge of rule of law, Vera Jourova, will receive the leader of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, next Thursday in Brussels, two weeks after the community representative and her Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders, addressed the Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, the blockade of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) and the questions about the amnesty law.

Feijóo will also be able to coincide that Thursday in Brussels with the European leaders of the European People’s Party family who will be in the European capital to attend the traditional December European Council in which the Twenty-Seven coincide, including the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez.

Last Monday, when five years passed since the governing body of the judges had to be renewed, Commissioner Reynders once again expressed the concern with which the Community Executive observes this paralysis and urged the “urgent” renewal of the CGPJ to, “immediately thereafter” begin the reform of the system of election of members.

The commissioner recalled that this is the procedure that the European Commission has defended for two years in the recommendations that accompany its annual report on the rule of law in EU countries.

Thus, he clarified that this is the model that Brussels promulgates because, from his experience, reform processes take longer than a “simple renewal” and insisted that it is “more and more urgent” to unblock the CGPJ.

The commissioner also insisted, in a press conference with Bolaños after a meeting of justice ministers of the 27, that his services continue to examine the amnesty law that the PSOE agreed with ERC and Junts to ensure the investiture of Pedro Sánchez. since they will not conclude the evaluation until the law has passed parliamentary processing and takes its final form, including amendments.

This meeting between Feijóo and the vice president of the European Commission in charge of the rule of law will take place two days after the first debate in the plenary session of Congress on the proposed amnesty law, with its taking into consideration.

The Popular Group has announced that it will force this vote to be by voice, so that all the socialist deputies “show their faces” and there is evidence of their support for the rule that the PSOE agreed with ERC and Junts to exempt from criminal responsibility those prosecuted in the Catalan independence process, in exchange for their support for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez.

Of course, the Government has already warned the PP that it will not find “dissidence” in the deputies of the Socialist Group, as stressed by the Minister of Education, Vocational Training and Sports, and spokesperson for the Executive, Pilar Alegría.

Furthermore, this trip by Feijóo coincides with the exchange of reproaches in recent days between the Government and PP for the renewal of the CGPJ, whose mandate has expired for five years. The ‘popular’ demand that its renewal be done simultaneously with the reform of the law on the Judiciary, a demand that the Executive rejects, which also maintains that its position is shared by the European Commission.

In this context, the President of the Government plans to call the head of the opposition to hold a meeting before Christmas with the aim of talking about this renewal of the CGPJ, the reform of regional financing and the reform of article 49 of the Constitution to eliminate the diminished term.

Furthermore, Sánchez wants a working commission to be established to address these three issues, something that the PP rejects. The ‘popular’ have advanced that they want to bring the amnesty law to that meeting with the President of the Government.