Isa Serra accuses Díaz’s project of following a strategy of “decreasing” Podemos and that the Government will have to negotiate with them


The state co-spokesperson for Podemos, Isa Serra, has blamed Sumar for the march of the purple deputies to the Mixed Group, maintaining that they have broken the “political agreement” to remain united by “cornering them” in Congress, while at the same time rejecting that they be accused of smuggling after leaving the plurinational group.

On the other hand, they have proclaimed that they are going to pressure the PSOE with their votes so that it “goes further than what it wants” during the legislature, as they did when they governed with the socialists in the previous term.

“Everyone knows what Podemos does when it is in the institutions, what we have done in the Government (…) Obviously from parliament we are going to continue doing what we have always done, deciding our vote based on the proposals that reach us and based on the advances that we consider are needed for citizens,” he said in statements to TVE, collected by Europa Press.

Questioned about the call from the leader of Podemos, Ione Belarra, to the Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, to inform him that the legislature was not at risk, Serra has assured that the PSOE is “very aware” that it needs Podemos for it to exist. a majority that exists against PP and Vox, and that in the past has had to “comply” with many measures agreed upon with its formation.

“Many times we will pressure the PSOE to go further than what the PSOE wants, that is evident. We have always done it, we are going to continue doing it, but they know that they have a political force that will always be there to expand rights, They know that perfectly,” he concluded.

And all of this, Serra continued, despite the fact that the socialists took the initiative to “eject” Podemos from the current Government, for which they have had the help of the leader of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz, given that it is now “responsibility” of both to “take care” of the “democratic bloc”, something they did not do in the case of the purple party.

In fact, he has defended that leaving Sumar is the “only decision they could make” after months of strategy of “decreasing” Podemos, with the “veto” on the lists of former minister Irene Montero, the “exclusion” of her party of the Executive and leave them without voice or political capacity in Congress.

What’s more, Serra has insisted that it was a political “mistake” to corner them in Congress and that everyone knows that they signed the coalition with Sumar despite the unfair conditions that Díaz posed to them, with even “threats” and “pressure” until the end for them to sign that pact.

Next, Serra assured that many people told them that they voted for the Sumar coalition due to the treatment they received and he stated that it was Sumar who undertook a “rupture of the political agreement that allowed them to continue together in the parliamentary group”, not allowing them to intervene in plenary sessions or promote political initiatives. In this way and with his departure to the Mixto, he has stated that all the people who support Podemos will be represented from now on in Congress.

On the other hand, and questioned by the party’s position, with leaders like Montero, who called the former Morada deputy Meri Pita a turncoat when she left the Unidas Podemos group to go to Mixto in the last legislature, asking her to leave the minutes, the leader of The purple formation has stressed that accusing them of transfuguism is “serious” and that there is no possible comparison between both cases.

Thus, he explained that Pita had an individual behavior of breaking the discipline of his party and the political project for which he participated in the elections, while here there is a party that makes a decision as a whole, which is followed by the deputies who are active in that force and in response to the “breakup” of a political agreement after leaving them without voice or political capacity in Congress.

“We have had to make a collective decision and it is untrue to say that it is transfuguism,” added Serra, who nevertheless points out that they are going to dialogue with Sumar in Congress to promote social progress.

Regarding the party’s outlook for the European elections, the Podemos co-spokesperson has said that the relevant decisions will be made on how they will participate in these elections, although she has explained that the roadmap approved by the militancy in November proclaims full autonomy of the party when doing politics.