MADRID, 5 Dic. (Portaltic/EP) –

The company BeDisruptive seeks to transform the field of cybersecurity to make it “somewhat less complex” and “simplify processes,” as well as create new talent in constant recycling of professional skills and knowledge.

This was expressed by the General Manager of the firm, Xabier Mitxelena, who has taken stock of the journey of this company and has explained the reasons why he seeks to keep BeDisruptive as a reference company in the sector.

“Within cybersecurity, BeDisruptive is a young company, although with a lot of experience. Our fundamental objective is to create a differential model in the field of how to address the problem of cybersecurity in the business environment,” he explained in a interview given to Europa Press.

Mitxelena has insisted that, to carry out this transformation in the cybersecurity sector, he considers it essential to “make it more friendly, less complex”, among other reasons, because it is a sector that is constantly changing and evolving, and You need to quickly face the problems.

“We have to understand cybersecurity as an element of competitiveness and, above all, resilience, so processes must be simplified, a challenge for which this company was born and why we are now growing,” added the manager.

BeDisruptive currently has three offices -Madrid, Rome and Panama City- and “shortly” will open a new office in Milan and will begin working in the United States with an office in Washington D.C., in addition to studying other countries in which offer “the value of simplicity and automation as a guarantee of the correct functioning of digital services.”

Looking to the future, the company hopes to continue detecting its growth opportunities based on new professionals and specialists “who can add their knowledge to an intelligent automation model of the most repetitive processes, thus adding value.”

In this sense, BeDisruptive hopes to do so in a unified manner, in order to implement “an intelligent, single and centralized model” in its three headquarters, thanks to which these countries can take advantage of common infrastructures and business philosophies.

In any case, management is aware that achieving this objective is also a challenge, because each country registers a different speed of transformation, although it seeks to ensure that “everything that is automatable is scalable between different countries.” Thus, it wants to offer “the same quality and the same service models”, anticipating incidents and mitigating their consequences once they are discovered to prevent them from multiplying on a global level.

To do this, it requires work based on internal collaboration and also on collaboration with clients, as well as an industrialization of processes to quickly address the threats to which its clients are exposed, depending on the sector to which they belong.

“Currently we find that different strategic sectors are being attacked, such as Health, energy or the financial sector. Because there are specific risk elements and specific attack elements with characteristics specific to each sector, they must be industrialize work models according to the purpose of each company,” said Mitxelena.

The lack of vocation in the field of technology, which requires constant recycling of knowledge and skills, is also one of the main concerns of BeDisruptive, which believes that it is difficult to find talent because there is a lack of people who can really “fall in love to work in a sector like this.

To promote the training of new talents, this cybersecurity firm has training and training centers, as well as its own and third-party platforms, called ‘Cyber ??Range’, with which it hopes to “accelerate learning and, above all, that future professionals are prepared for upcoming incidents and know how to work as a team.

For this reason, the General Manager of the firm considers mandatory “continuous retraining of professionals, which is sometimes a handicap in people’s work and which must convey to them the passion for being in this sector.”

Hence, the so-called ‘reskilling’ is essential for BeDisruptive, which promotes it with the use of “state-of-the-art” tools and “operational technology (OT) innovation projects and a new industrialized training platform” in order to specialize the knowledge of its professionals, resources thanks to which it has managed to train 600 people in the field of cybersecurity.

Another of the company’s priorities, which is based on “a team of people where we work with respect”, is to listen to the needs that arise internally and, for this, a model of listening to customers is based ” to be able to improve and work together along the way.

In addition to this corporate culture, he considers that the signing of attractive profiles – such as Begoña Villacís as global director of institutional relations or Javier Tomás as the new sales director in Spain – is also another differentiating aspect of BeDisruptive with respect to the competition.

“When something becomes attractive and there are people who already have experience and knowledge of the market and join this company, it makes others also have a certain curiosity to know what the project is. The key is that when they know it, they discover which is a different project,” the manager indicated.

A third differentiating aspect of BeDisruptive is that it seeks to be a partner that helps its clients “understand what the value of security is and what model they have to have based on their business, regulation that they have to comply with, the legal aspects”.

In this sense, Mitxelena has recognized that the company seeks to offer a unique information environment in which it can be understood “at all times what is the degree of risk that these businesses and infrastructures have and what is the model that they have to follow based on of your business.”

At this point, the manager recognizes that there is still a lot of work to do in the field of cybersecurity and, more specifically, in relation to its legislation. “I think that the regulatory framework is always behind the reality we are experiencing,” he commented, although he recognizes that public entities are also creating European regulations in the field of technical infrastructure both for large organizations and for those that are smaller size.

Despite everything, he warns that cybercrime continues to be an attractive business for criminals: “The figures that are handled at an official level are that last year the cost of cybercrime was 8 trillion dollars and there is talk that this year it will be We are going to end up at 9.5 trillion dollars,” stated the General Manager, convinced that this is “one more reason why BeDisruptive must continue working.”