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Madrid, December 5, 2023.

The University of Salamanca, the University of La Soborna and the World Tourism Organization have organized a conference to give value to the two years of validity of the International Code for the Protection of Tourists, a fundamental text created after the pandemic

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) faced a major challenge in the Covid-19 pandemic. Many travelers were forced to cancel their trips at a time of maximum uncertainty. This atypical and unprecedented situation made this sector one of the hardest hit during and in the months following the pandemic. For this reason, the UNWTO decided to take a step forward and prepare the first International Code for the Protection of Tourists (CPIT), a regulatory instrument with the aim of restoring confidence in international travel. The city of Salamanca has hosted during the days November 30 and December 1, the I International Seminar on Tourism Law organized by the UNWTO, the University of Salamanca, and the University of La Soborna. There, the security framework of the Code has been valued, which protects tourists in the event of any emergency, not only in pandemics. Furthermore, the text serves as a tool for both governments and public and private agents. Nuria Sobrino, director of the Legal Area of ??Allianz Partners Spain, has participated in this meeting to provide her vision on the second point of the Code: Assistance to tourists international in emergency situations. Her intervention focused on explaining the different travel assistance insurance coverage, as well as the excluded extraordinary risks or the situation in countries in conflict. He has also shared the experience during the processing of the claims that occurred in the initial period of the pandemic between March and April 2020, and the coordination that the company developed with its partners and other tourism service providers. The key is understand that Allianz Partners, as a leading company in Travel Insurance and Assistance, is capable of offering a complementary service for the protection of tourists. “At Allianz Partners we accompany the tourist during their trip. That is why the client has to be aware that they will receive help in emergency situations. The fundamental thing in these cases is to coordinate with the rest of the agents in the sector to help solve the problem. problem,” he says.Allianz Partners is an affiliate member of the World Tourism Organization and actively collaborates to guarantee a committed activity that is developed within the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda. The goal is to achieve the promotion of values ??for sustainable, inclusive and accessible tourism; the digital transformation of tourism, education and training in tourism and exchange of knowledge between key agents in the sector.

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