This Monday, Banca March launched two combined deposits – one with profiled funds (or institutional SICAVs) and another with life insurance – with maturities of one year and interest of 3%, while in both cases the maximum investment is two million euros and can be contracted in the entity’s offices until next January 31.

The entity has specified in a press release that in the ‘Combined Deposit with Funds-Sicav 50/50’, which has a term of twelve months and an interest of 3.4%, half of the investment will be allocated to the deposit and the other half to choose from the bank’s range of profiled funds; In this product the minimum amount is 6,000 euros.

For its part, the ‘Combined Deposit with March Vida Multiestructuras Unit Linked 50/50’, with a maturity of one year and with an interest of 3.2%, is an exclusive product for new contracts of the ‘March Vida Multiestructuras Savings Life Insurance Unit Linked’.

In this deposit, whose minimum amount is 12,000 euros, half of the capital must be allocated to life insurance and the other half to the deposit itself.

Banca March has framed this launch by arguing that it adds to the ‘Combined Deposit with GDC Optimal Fixed Income’, launched last November with an interest rate of 3.4%.