They will also discuss the alleged fiscal deficit of the State with this community


PSOE and Junts hold their first meeting this Saturday after both parties signed an investiture agreement, which includes an amnesty law for those involved in the process and allowed the re-election of Pedro Sánchez as President of the Government. On the table will be the issue of national recognition of Catalonia and the alleged fiscal deficit of the State with this community.

Although neither party has wanted to confirm the details of the meeting, it is expected that it will take place in Geneva (Switzerland) and that the Henry Dunant Center for Humanitarian Dialogue, the same organization that participated in the negotiations to end ETA, exercise the role of international verifier imposed by the independentistas. Sources consulted by Europa Press point out that “mistrust” reigns between both teams.

The agreement signed at the beginning of November in Brussels by the two parties stated that the first negotiation meeting should be held that same month, although it will finally take place a few days later, after both parties squared their agendas.

Regarding the national recognition of Catalonia, both parties left in writing that Junts will ask to hold a self-determination referendum “protected by article 92 of the Constitution”, according to the text, while the PSOE prefers the development of the Catalan Statute of 2006 “as well such as the full deployment and respect for the institutions of self-government and the institutional, cultural and linguistic uniqueness of Catalonia”.

Regarding the deficit, Junts is going to demand a modification of the Organic Law of Financing of the Autonomous Communities that establishes the “singularity” of Catalonia and facilitates the transfer of 100% of all taxes paid in Catalonia, a formula similar to the one that already governs the Basque Country.

The socialists, however, are committed to carrying out a “unique dialogue” on the financing model with Catalonia and also to promote the return to this region of the headquarters of the companies that changed their location due to the independence process of 2017. .

The socialist delegation will be led by the Secretary of Organization, Santos Cerdán, while on the side of the post-convergents the general secretary, Jordi Turull, the spokesperson in Congress, Miriam Nogueras and the former president, Carles Puigdemont, who is on the run, could attend. of Spanish justice since 2017. They are the same people who carried out the negotiation in Brussels to close the investiture agreement.

At the end of last week, PSOE sources indicated that the meeting would take place in this Swiss city and that the verifier would be an organization with experience in mediation work. However, days later, the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, avoided confirming the place where it would take place, although he indicated that the identity of the mediator would be made public at the time.

From the Henry Dunant Center, in a telephone conversation with Europa Press, they have declined to comment on the PSOE Junts meeting, although they have not denied that it will be held this Saturday under their supervision.

This same Friday, the Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Courts also avoided providing details about the meeting and stuck to the mantra that they repeat in the PSOE: “discretion in negotiations and transparency in agreements.”

Under strict discretion, Junts also add that it is not planned to make any appearance or send any statement after the meeting.

In the days before the meeting, Puigdemont has added pressure to the socialists, who need the votes of Junts in each vote they want to carry out in Congress, to sustain the legislature.

The former Catalan president stated that he would be willing to support a motion of censure with the PP if the Socialists do not fulfill their commitments, although the PSOE was quick to respond that they comply with what they agree to.

Furthermore, this Friday he warned that he will not fall “into the trap of acting and deciding based on pressure” and has sent a message of attack to the judges by pointing out that “the robed crows stir and show their claws and fangs.” “in the face of independence aspirations.