PP would increase from 5 to 7 parliamentarians, Elkarrekin Podemos/Sumar would lose half of its seats and stay with three, and Vox would lose its


The PNV would win the Basque regional elections, although it would lose two parliamentarians and remain with 29, while EH Bildu would be the second force with 25 seats, three more than in the 2020 elections. For its part, the PSE-EE would rise from 10 to 11 and the PP from 5 to 7, while Elkarrekin Podemos/Sumar would drop from six to three and Vox would lose its representative, according to the vote forecast survey of the Sociological Prospecting Cabinet of the Basque Government.

The jeltzale formation would also be the winning force in Álava, although it also drops in representation, one less (8), while EH Bildu would take first place in Guipúzcoa from the PNV by achieving 11 parliamentarians, two more, with which the jeltzales move to the second place with nine seats, one less. In Bizkaia, the jeltzale party also remains the party with the most votes and manages to retain its 12 parliamentarians for this Territory.

The collection of information for the survey was carried out between November 21 and 24, 2023 through individual telephone interviews and, in total, 2,030 people were surveyed -730 in Álava, 1,315 in Vizcaya and 985 in Guipúzcoa-, without knowing each other. the proposal of the PNV Executive for Imanol Pradales to run as a candidate for Lehendakari and that Arnaldo Otegi will not head the EH Bildu lists.

With these results, PNV and PSE-EE could reissue the coalition government that they have maintained in the last two legislatures, by once again achieving an absolute majority in the regional Parliament, with 40 parliamentarians out of the 75, one less than in 2020.

They would also provide the figures to support a left-wing government, with the 25 seats of EH Bildu, added to the 11 of the PSE-EE and the three of Elkarrekin Podemos. The agreement between the three forces would allow them an absolute majority in Parliament, with 39 seats, one more than necessary.

The PNV would win the elections in Euskadi by obtaining 29 seats, although it would lose two compared to the elections held in 2020, while EH Bildu, which would be the second force, would obtain 25 parliamentarians, three more.

For its part, the PSE-EE, the third party with the most support, would increase its representation, going from 10 to 11 representatives, while Elkarrekin Podemos/Sumar – if this coalition is formed – would drop from six, which were those achieved by Elkarrekin Podemos -IU, to three and would cease to be the fourth force, since the PP now occupies it. The popular ones would experience a rise, since they would obtain seven parliamentarians compared to the current five, while Vox would lose its seat.

In Álava, the jeltzale party would also be the winner in this Territory, although it would decrease in support, obtaining 29% of the votes while in 2020 it achieved 32.22%, so that it would obtain eight seats, one less than four years ago. years.

For its part, EH Bildu would be the second force with 25.8% of the votes, increasing the support of the previous elections (24.88%) and would obtain seven parliamentarians, one more,

The socialists, who remain in third place, would obtain 18.1% of the votes, above the 15.63% in the 2020 regional elections and would obtain five seats, one more than in 2020.

For its part, the PP, with 16% of the votes, above the 11.5% obtained four years ago, would have four representatives, one more, while Elkarrekin Podemos/Sumar would obtain 5% of the votes compared to 8 .09% obtained by Elkarrekin Podemos-IU in the 2020 elections, so it would go from two parliamentarians to one. For its part, Vox, with 3.5% of support compared to 3.8% four years ago, would lose its representation in the Basque Parliament. In Álava, abstention would be 39% compared to 49.69% four years ago.

In Guipúzcoa, EH Bildu would be the first force, with eleven parliamentarians, two more than in 2020 and 38.6% of the vote, compared to 35.18% in the previous elections. The PNV, which would lose one seat and obtain 9, would drop to second place with 32.7% of the votes (36.53% in 2020).

The PSE-EE would maintain its representation, the three seats in the autonomous Chamber, with 13.2% of support, slightly higher than the 12.89% of the previous election at the polls. Elkarrekin Podemos/Sumar would continue to lose support by retaining only one of its two seats and 6.3% of the vote, while in the 2020 Basque Parliament elections it obtained 7.13%.

The Popular Party maintains its only representative, with 5.5% of the vote, slightly higher than the 4.67% in the previous regional elections. Vox, with 1.5% of the vote compared to 1.3% in 2020, still does not obtain representation. In Guipúzcoa, abstention would rise to 37.5% compared to 45.43% four years ago.

In Vizcaya, the PNV would remain the first force, with 42.1% of the votes compared to the 42.6% obtained in 2020 and would retain its 12 parliamentarians for this Territory, while EH Bildu would also achieve the same representation that it has in the current legislature, (seven seats), by achieving 25.6% of the votes, up from 23.94% four years ago.

For their part, the socialists, with 13.9% of the votes (13.59% in 2020), would maintain their three seats and the PP would become the fourth force, surpassing Elkarrekin Podemos/Sumar, since the popular ones would win the 7.4% of the votes compared to 6.81% in the 2020 elections, so they would go from one parliamentarian to two, while Elkarrekin Podemos/Sumar would lose it and stay with one, with 7% of the votes , below the 8.59% that Elkarrekin Podemos-IU obtained.

Vox, with 2.1% of the votes, compared to 1.87% in 2020, still does not have representation in this Territory, where abstention would rise to 38%, below that of the 2020 elections (47.48 %).