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On April 25 local time, the cultural and tourism promotion event ‘Ancient Chinese Civilization, Beautiful Scenery of Shanxi’ — ‘Shanxi Day’, jointly organized by the Department of Culture and Tourism of Shanxi Province and the Center for China-Foreign Cultural Exchange successfully debuted at the Palace Hotel in Barcelona, ​​Spain

Barcelona, ​​May 6, 2024.- On April 25, local time, the cultural and tourism promotion event ‘Ancient Chinese civilization, beautiful landscapes of Shanxi’ — ‘Shanxi Day’, jointly organized by the Department of Culture and Tourism of Shanxi Province and the China-Foreign Cultural Exchange Center, successfully debuted at the Palace Hotel in Barcelona, ​​Spain. Jin Xiangjun, Governor of Shanxi Province, Hu Aimin, Acting Consul General of China in Barcelona, ​​and Hamdi Zaki, President of the Culture and Tourism Committee of Spanish-Speaking Countries, attended and gave speeches. More than one hundred guests from China and Spain, including representatives of the Shanxi provincial government, the central government of Spain, representatives of the cultural and tourism sector, and Chinese businessmen in Spain, attended the event.Governor Jin Xiangjun stated that China and Spain are ancient civilizations and cultural powers with global influence. Shanxi is an important place of origin of the Chinese nation and Chinese civilization. Shanxi has rich cultural heritage, picturesque landscapes and rich and colorful folk culture. This promotional event is expected to serve as an opportunity for various sectors in Spain to deepen their understanding of China, get to know Shanxi, continue the positive effects of the China-Spain Year of Culture and Tourism 2023, promote deep cultural and tourism cooperation , encourage appreciation and exchange of excellent cultures. All Spanish friends are sincerely invited to come to Shanxi to experience the profound Chinese civilization, the magnificent natural landscapes and the open and inclusive spirit of the Three Jin.Under the joint testimony of the leaders of both sides, the signing ceremony between the Department of Culture and Tourism of Shanxi Province and the Eurasian Center of Spain, as well as between the Baohua Shengshi International Travel Agency of Shanxi and the Changhai Cultural Tourism Company of Spain, with the aim of building a international platform for cultural and tourist cooperation and exchange. Guests at the venue eagerly watched the performances showcasing Shanxi folk customs and Spanish style. This event improved the understanding of Shanxi’s cultural and tourism resources among the Spanish people, further increased enthusiasm for cultural and tourism exchanges and cooperation between Spain and Shanxi, promoted the establishment of a cultural exchange mechanism, jointly expanded the tourism market, shared mutually beneficial development opportunities and helped increase the popularity of the “inbound tourism” market from Spain to China.News source: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/08Nsg-TG5IbiOF2a3cabWw

Contact Contact name: Linda Heng Contact description: Department of Culture and Tourism of Shanxi Province Contact phone: 0032 487858658