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The Federation of Associations of Allergic Patients and Respiratory Diseases, Fenaer, demands on World Asthma Day the definition and implementation of a national strategy against asthma that improves the diagnosis and treatment of patients and specifically addresses asthma. serious with the creation of more specialized units. The plan should also serve to end inequity and guarantee patients’ access to specialists in this pathology.

Spain, May 6, 2024.- In addition, the Federation considers it key to advance real coordination between the different health entities that care for those who suffer from it, and also between the different regional health systems. The commemoration, which takes place on May 7, brings with it the demand for greater visibility of this pathology. Asthma is one of the most prevalent respiratory diseases, it is estimated that it affects three million people in Spain and that 4% of them suffer from it in its severe form. Almost half a million people die annually in the world due to it. However, it continues to be undervalued, if not stigmatized, by a part of the population. “Although there has been progress, coordination between the different health services remains scarce,” explains Mariano Pastor, president of Fenaer. The lack of a global plan to treat those who suffer from asthma means that “diagnosis continues to be slow and the referral protocols to specialists, the standardization of diagnostic tests and the treatment of severe attacks, can greatly be improved.” In this sense, Pastor highlights the differences in the treatment of patients with asthma between the different autonomous systems: “Ensuring equitable care, regardless of where you live, is a basic right for all chronic patients.” This national plan should also include a global approach to the approach to asthma, Pastor points out: “although there are currently very effective treatments, their action is hampered by the lack of patient education programs, respiratory physiotherapy, promotion of exercise and healthy eating or psychological support.”Fenaer believes that the different health systems should also opt for including more specific units to treat patients with severe asthma: “It is an investment, not an expense, because keeping these people with their asthma better controlled, in addition to improve their daily lives, it helps to avoid painful and costly hospitalizations.”School nursing On the occasion of World Asthma Day, Fenaer also demands the creation of the figure of the school nurse in all educational centers, as a way to protect well-being of the youngest patients with this pathology and, at the same time, raise awareness and educate the entire child population in health habits. Asthma is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases in childhood. Various studies suggest that between 5 and 10% of children suffer from it in Spain and its incidence is increasing due to various factors, including poor indoor and outdoor air quality. According to Irantzu Muerza, head of the Fenaer Asthma Coordinator, “for the little ones, having a nursing professional at school is a vital issue, beyond the play on words, it would attend to specific crises that may occur and, In addition, it would serve to provide prevention guidelines that would have a very positive impact on all areas of the health of the entire school population.” Countries around us such as France, Switzerland or England have consolidated the figure of the school nurse for decades. , while in Spain its presence in centers is isolated. “If we want to advance in health and prevention, says Irantzu Muerza, the first measure must be to act in childhood. Children and adolescents spend most of their day in schools, and guarantee them education and support in case of asthma exacerbations is essential to reduce school absenteeism and fully integrate them into daily school activities.

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