The plenary session of the European Parliament will debate next Wednesday on the situation of the rule of law in Spain after the PSOE with Junts and ERC agreed on an amnesty law for those involved in the ‘procés’ in exchange for their support for the investiture of the socialist candidate President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez.

As parliamentary sources have indicated to Europa Press, the debate proposal has gone ahead with the support of the European People’s Party (EPP); of the Liberals (RE) where Ciudadanos and PNV are integrated; from the group of Europeans and Reformists (ECR) of which Vox is a part and from the ultra-right group Identity and Democracy.

Both the European Commission – whose legal services are examining the law – and the Council must be present in the debate, which means that a member of the Spanish Government, which this semester holds the rotating presidency of the EU, must attend.

The change of agenda has been agreed at the meeting of the Conference of Presidents (CoP) in which all the groups represented in the European Parliament and the president of the institution, Roberta Metsola, are present.

There were several very similar proposals on the table to focus this debate on the risk that the amnesty law poses to the rule of law, one from the Popular Party that was announced last Monday, the day on which its ECR also presented its own and the one registered the Liberals already on Wednesday.

Finally, the agreed statement to address the discussion on Wednesday afternoon evokes the “threat” to the rule of law posed by the Government agreement in Spain.

The leader of the PP delegation in the European Parliament, Dolors Montserrat, has celebrated through a message on social networks that the institution is going to discuss “Sanchez’s pacts against judicial independence”, while warning that with They “are violating the principles defended by the European Union.”

“The values ??of the Union are a democratic limit that should not be exceeded, even for those who have no limit to try to continue clinging to power,” indicated, for his part, Ciudadanos MEP Adrián Vázquez, in another statement released on social networks.

Without expressly mentioning the European parliamentary debate, the European Socialists and Democrats (S

“Their collaboration to bring their hate speech from Spain to Brussels is a sad attempt to divert public opinion’s attention from their inability to win a majority, create bridges and respect the will of the Spanish people and democracy,” criticize the socialists. Europeans in a message on social networks that they accompany with an image in which the Vox MEP Jorge Buxadé and the leader of the EPP, the German Manfred Weber, appear as puppets of Santiago Abascal and Alberto Núñez-Feijóo, respectively.