Barcelona, ??November 14, 2023.- It is difficult to determine the precise elements that affect the success of a literary work, since each genre has its own demands.

But, when it comes to a thriller novel, there is a specific situation that shows if the work works: that the reader is unable to stop reading even though the content is disturbing or confusing.

And this is the consequence of the appropriate use of several essential resources, such as suspense, intensity, twists, doubt, surprise, among others. And all of this must help weave a plot that includes a criminal investigation and macabre, challenging and dangerous situations.

That is the case of Ace of Hearts, a work by author David Castillo, in which the investigation into a serial killer is mixed with unrequited love and a crime of passion. This mixture of elements is combined with an intense narrative style that keeps the reader absorbed and trying to unravel what is happening until the last page.

This exciting novel of intrigue focuses on the life of Fran Ballester, a subject obsessed with achieving recognition as a prominent investigative journalist. But his determination is based on a personality without principles or scruples.

The knot is generated when Fran tries to take advantage of an investigation into a serial killer to reach the peak of the recognition she so longs for. However, his goals are cut short when his battle partner, Adrien, accuses him of being the mastermind behind several gruesome homicides.

As the story develops, two other characters become important, Isabelle and Martin, who find themselves involved in a race against time to discover who is behind the murders. Throughout the narrative, the different characters are immersed in networks of conspiracies and secrets that allow the murderer to remain hidden.

The author David Castillo explains that this work highlights that beneath the apparent normality of people, dark secrets can hide. He also reflects that unexpected, confusing and difficult situations test loyalty, intelligence and bravery, revealing those who are truly willing to fight for truth and justice at all costs.

The novel has been successfully presented in Palma, Andorra, Madrid and Paris. It will continue this month in Barcelona and next in Seville, Santander, Alicante and Murcia and will likely close its promotional campaign at the Cervantes Institute in Paris. The author has also been received by the president of the Andorran Government, Xavier Espot, the Major Consul of Andorra la Vella, David Astrié, the ambassador of Andorra in Paris, Eva Descarrega, and in the coming days he will also be received by the mayor of Palma , Jaime Martínez, and by the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo. Everyone received a dedicated copy from the author.

The author David Castillo was born in Barcelona, ??although he defines himself as proud to be Andorran. He says that he graduated in Labor Relations, but only practiced this profession for about two years, when he decided to dedicate himself to tax consulting.

In addition, he worked for a decade in radio and television and in the last 7 years he has served as a coach for high-level politicians.

Currently, he runs an international consulting company and combines these functions with his passion for writing. In this regard, he expresses that Ace of Hearts has opened the doors to a world of great emotions.

In that sense, he says that he feels surprised and grateful that his thriller novel is now available on multiple platforms, as well as for the invitations for signatures in different cities, the good receptivity on social networks and requests for interviews in different media outlets. .

“It is undoubtedly a fascinating stage and I am enjoying it very much. All the efforts have undoubtedly been more than well invested and this has only just begun,” concludes the author.


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