Early this Sunday, the National Police cleared the road in front of the Congress of Deputies where a group of people were camping against the amnesty and “the political heritage of ’78” in a protest called by the Democratic Junta of Spain.

The camp, which brought together at least twenty tents and dozens of people sitting, began on Saturday night and dissolved when the road was cleared after midnight, although some of the participants remained in the camp. zone.

This camping trip took place after a peaceful rally that began at 7:30 p.m. under the slogan ‘Enough is enough. Let’s put limits and control on politicians’, gathering 500 people, according to the Government Delegation, and forcing the Carrera de San Jerónimo to be cut off.

“The State party is over”, “they call it democracy and it is not” or “the people united will never be defeated”, are some of the chants that could be heard at the rally prior to the camp, an initiative with which the organizers demand that their demands be met.

In a manifesto, the Democratic Junta has asked to “stop the current legal arbitrariness” in relation to the “amnesty law.” Likewise, it has demanded the holding of a national referendum binding on all political forces on the modification of the Constitution to change the current proportional electoral system to a majority one of direct uninominal election with a double round of legislative and executive power.”

He has also demanded another referendum to modify the Constitution and “change the election of the members of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) and the Constitutional Court so that they stop being appointed by the political power and their members are chosen by the legal operators.” . Finally, he has demanded that parties and unions “be financed exclusively through membership fees.”