MÁLAGA, Nov 11. (From the special envoy of EUROPA PRESS, Daniel Blanco) –

The general secretary of the PSOE and acting president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has asked the PP for “sanity and restraint” after a week of protests in front of the socialist headquarters in several cities in Spain and has accused of “complicity” with the extreme right, that has incited the demonstrations.

In his speech at the congress of the European Socialist Party (PES) he lamented that these days “the most nostalgic extreme right” of the “cruel” Franco dictatorship is displaying symbols and proclamations “of a dark past for Spain.”

In that sense, he considers that this past that was believed to be overcome is resonating today “with the complicity” of the traditional right that, in his opinion, has been “parasitized” by Vox.

Thus, he has asked for “sanity and restraint” from the party led by Alberto Núñez Feijóo – who condemned the violent acts that have occurred in several concentrations in front of the national headquarters of the PSOE in Ferraz – and has said that what they have to do is to accept the result of the polls and the legitimacy of the Government that will soon be formed.

“That they have the necessary courage to say no to the bear hug of the extreme right and that they abandon the reactionary path along which they are advancing towards the abyss today,” he then noted to highlight that the PP can only agree with Vox while the socialists have reached agreements with various political forces.

Along these same lines, he has stressed that Spain cannot be governed “if the political pluralism of its country and also its territorial diversity are not recognized.”

Sánchez has attacked the pacts between PP and Vox, sealed after the regional and municipal elections of May 28, which have resulted in both governing in five regional executives, in five provincial councils and 135 city councils “and that govern life of 12 million compatriots”, as he pointed out.

He considers that as a result of these pacts, Vox has entered the institutions and has turned them into “platforms on which to expand its hateful messages and policies.”

In that sense, he has indicated that the government agreements between these two parties represent a “revolution” for the rights of women, the LGTBI community, and workers. “Even culture succumbs to its own delusions of the dark time to which they belong,” she concluded.