The negotiators of PSOE and Junts in Brussels to agree on an amnesty law that facilitates the investiture of Pedro Sánchez as President of the Government continue “working” to try to resolve the “technical issues” that are holding back the agreement, although they have cooled the expectations of an imminent and remembered understanding that the only limit is November 27th.

The talks do not stop, they continued throughout the night and continue at this time, according to sources in the negotiation to Europa Press. The Secretary of Organization of the PSOE is still in the Belgian capital, where he returned on Sunday after the first contacts last week to continue the negotiations from a hotel a few meters from the place where the Junts senior staff met on Monday.

Although both parties have not met face to face, there has been an exchange of roles between the legal services of the two sides. In this sense, the sources consulted attribute the “slowness” in the process to the density of the text, which requires the review of legal advisors from both parties and add that the negotiation would advance “faster” if it were only a question policy.

In this sense, they underline the importance of the “first amnesty law of democracy” and the importance therefore of doing a “good job” without setting “any date” of deadline, beyond the limit of November 27 and despite which the PSOE had pointed out as a possible calendar this week.

Thus, the sources insist on “continuing” working and advancing both in resolving the obstacles in the amnesty law and “some details” of the political agreement for the investiture.

Furthermore, Junts sources consulted by Europa Press have explained that on Monday they did not bring together many positions in relation to the differences that separate them, given that they remain stuck in “technical issues” to refine the wording of the amnesty law.

The teams from both parties are working on some aspects of the drafting, especially in the explanatory statement because it is where the scope and constitutionality of the norm is at stake, they point out.

“We have already had many different drafts and we have not made much progress,” point out the aforementioned sources, who have not dared to predict whether there could be a full investiture this week.

Other sources familiar with the negotiation have argued the need for “quiet and discreet” work to be able to advance a possible agreement.

“The pressure is on them [the socialists],” Junts have highlighted, making it clear that the margin of negotiation can be extended until November 27.

Thus, they consider that there is still time: “We are doing what ERC has not done,” add the aforementioned sources.

In this context, and asked about another matter at the end of the Council of Ministers, the minister spokesperson, Isabel Rodríguez, referred to the next legislature, clarifying that it will be “if the investiture continues and, therefore, there is a new Government , as we wish.”