The Investigative Court 5 of Mollet del Vallès (Barcelona), acting as guard, took statements this Friday from four detainees allegedly related to the copper theft that paralyzed Rodalies on May 12, the day of the Catalan elections, and the judge has agreed to preventive detention without bail for two.

For the other two, provisional release has been agreed with court appearances, the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) reports in a statement this Friday.

The case is open for alleged crimes of aggravated robbery and public disorder for the two detainees in provisional prison and for one of those who has been released.

The other investigated, also on provisional release, is charged with an alleged crime of reception.

The Investigative Court 5 of Mollet (Barcelona) will inhibit Court number 3 of the same municipality, which will continue with the investigation of the case.