Barcelona, ??November 7, 2023.

The debtor requested a loan to reunite her family in Spain and then for the furniture and training of her children.

The Court of First Instance no. The case has been processed by Repara tu Deuda Abogados, a leading law firm in Spain in the Second Chance Law. SEE JUDGMENTAs explained by the lawyers of Repara tu Deuda, “at the end of 2016 the debtor needed to apply for a loan for family reunification with her children in Spain, facing the corresponding expenses of bureaucracy and flights so that they could establish themselves. With the arrival of His family had to use the credit card to purchase furniture for his family, as well as for the training expenses of his children. Little by little, he requested other credits to assume the debts previously incurred. However, The situation was unsustainable and he had to stop paying the loans to pay his most basic and essential expenses. As in his case, numerous people turn to the Second Chance Law after having gradually reached a state of impossible insolvency. to resolve in an ordinary way. They do so as a consequence of some specific work and/or personal circumstance. It should be noted that the Second Chance Law came into force in Spain in 2015 to offer them a way out. Since then, more than 20,000 individuals and self-employed people have requested to benefit from this tool to cancel the debts they have incurred and cannot assume.Repara tu Deuda Abogados is the leading firm in the application of the Second Chance Law in Spain. Since it was founded in September 2015, it has managed to exceed the figure of 170 million euros of debt to people who come from all the autonomous communities of the country and who responded to very different profiles: guarantors, parents who have helped their children, small self-employed people who have not managed to recover their business investment, victims of scams or some illness, divorced people who experience increased expenses, unemployed, etc. “It is very important to point out – explain the firm’s lawyers – that many of the clients encourage in first person to others to start the process. They do it through direct testimony, explaining their case, and talking to family members and acquaintances so that if they need it, they can turn to this mechanism.”Repair your Debt Lawyers, before launching the procedure, check your case together with the client to see if it meets the requirements to be able to cancel your debts through this tool. It offers free advice in advance to really make sure that you can be a beneficiary of the Second Chance Law. Currently, it is the pioneer and leading law firm in the application of the Second Chance Law in Spain. It has exceeded the figure of 170 million euros exonerated to its clients and the forecast is that this figure will continue to increase in the near future due to the high number of procedures in progress and the consultations that are made daily.Bertín Osborne is the image from Repair your Debt Lawyers. In this sense, he collaborates with the law firm so that this legislation is much more disseminated. “It is very important – the lawyers declare – to have well-known faces who help us in the task of reaching the greatest number of people so that no one is left without access to that second chance.” People who do not meet the requirements to benefit to the Second Chance Law, they can also alternatively cancel credit cards, revolving cards, mini-credits, loans and mortgages through the analysis by the office of the contracts signed with banks and financial entities to check if there is any type of abusive clause. and be able to claim from Cofidis, Moneyman, WiZink, Carrefour, Vivus, Banco Santander, CaixaBank, BBVA, Banco Sabadell, myKredit, Kviku, etc.

Contact Contact name: David Guerrero Contact description: Press Officer Contact telephone number: 655956735