-Artmarket.com records substantial turnover growth in the third quarter of 2023: up to 75%

After 2 years of optimization of its online databases, Artmarket.com records substantial turnover growth in the third quarter of 2023: up to 75%

PARIS, November 7, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Artprice by Artmarket reaps the fruit of two years of development that allowed a complete overhaul of its online databases, leading to a 75% increase in its turnover for the third quarter of 2023.

thierry Ehrmann, founder of Artprice and CEO of Artmarket: “In January 2023, Artprice by Artmarket launched its new online version, the most successful in its history, in response to pressure from customers around the world. As “As a result, our turnover for the third quarter of 2023 recorded a 75% increase compared to the previous year period. In the current “all-digital” era, this increase is the perfect reward for the enormous work done by our teams.”

The launch of our new online version was a large project involving all Artprice databases and services, and requiring two years of planning and development (extended by the Covid-19 crisis).

Following a tender, Artprice by Artmarket selected TRSb Group company Vahumana and its team of high-level and talented external consultants to audit and develop the full review of Artprice.com. The entire project was carried out with a “user-centric” approach that prioritizes the intuitiveness of the user experience (UX) and optimizes the fluidity and ergonomics of the user interface (UI).

Since the beginning of September 2023, the final online version of Artprice.com by Artmarket, a global leader in art market information for 25 years, has become the art market reference in terms of customer experience and ergonomics .

Following this brilliantly successful launch, our initial data shows excellent uptake of the new Artprice.com by Artmarket among new and existing customers, as well as a massive 441% increase in online traffic (activity registrations) on a moving average 50MM traffic. Therefore, in the long term, we can expect significant growth in turnover (due to increased traffic) and this is already confirmed by our figures for the third quarter of 2023, which show a 75% increase in turnover compared to the third quarter of 2022.

Our new intuitive and easy-to-use online presence, with its simplified access, has unified all the high added value data banks built by Artprice.com, its subsidiaries and its different departments, thus allowing easy access to the most relevant information and exhaustive about the art market. This has led to a very significant increase in the number (and duration) of professional and high-end annual subscriptions, clearly confirming the strong customer trust in Artprice.

We have made a deliberate effort to improve the mobile experience of our users by implementing responsive web design (RWD) for the entire Artprice database. This approach ensures a seamless experience without resorting to a limiting “app” solution. Unlike mobile applications that often require frequent updates and fixes, our RWD solution offers all the richness of a desktop or laptop experience.

Customer and member comments are unanimous: “The new Artprice site is much more pleasant to use and allows you to browse through rich and varied content.”

Now our customers and users are discovering information they didn’t know existed. Some even think that Artprice must have acquired some new companies to have changed so much… For its financial partners and shareholders, this version is a real “game changer”.

The new intuitive, centrally located search bar offers instant access to a comprehensive tree structure around the search topic, ultimately leading to an increase in time spent on Artprice.com.

Our search engine instantly links Artprice databases with information on the art market from the 4th century to the present and data on 825,800 artists, 16,448,000 prices and sales indices and 1,087,500 auction lots obtained in the last 12 months by 7,200 auction houses around the world.

Artprice by Artmarket provides the most elaborate and exhaustive Art Market information and the most useful research tool for accessing that information in the world, confirming its position as a global leader in Art Market Information for 25 years.

The universal search bar immediately generates a wealth of information about the searched item: whether it is an artist, biography, email alerts of the artist, works of art in past and/or future auctions, art market indexes, Artpricing® estimates, works available on our standardized platform. Artprice.com Marketplace, art market news and articles in our ArtMarketInsight® article archive, or Artprice reports on the Art Market. It will also immediately connect your search to our databases to extract signatures and monograms, catalogs raisonnés, archived historical data, etc. which Artprice has digitized from the main historical archives of the art market acquired worldwide over the last 25 years (cf. Artmarket.com universal registration document (URD) ??filed with the French Financial Market Authority (AMF) ).

Artprice.com by Artmarket uses algorithmic artificial intelligence in its patented AI Intuitive Artmarket®, allowing customers to access relevant and personalized recommendations on artists, artworks and auction sales, thereby automatically improving their knowledge and understanding of the art market. art.

Artprice Images® allows unlimited access to the world’s largest collection of digital art and art market-related images, based on Artmarket.com’s collection of manuscripts and sales catalogues, which now form an extensive physical and digital library that contains 180 million photographs and prints of works of art from 1700 to the present day, all annotated by our historians.

In this very specific economic sector, Artmarket.com has by far the largest volume of high-quality objective and proprietary (value-added) art market data. Original documentary archives, handwritten codices, annotated books and auction catalogs acquired over the years are a key asset, representing a nearly impregnable barrier to entry.

In addition, Artprice’s new online architecture integrates new communication spaces for advertisers, supported by a new Back Office for completely autonomous management of their advertisements. With the new advertising revenue, Artprice by Artmarket expects to double its turnover in 2023/2024 compared to the previous year.

Despite the current geopolitical and economic context, the art market is showing dynamic health with regular auction records in all artistic periods and in all countries during recent sales. There have been no cancellations of sales classified as classic and/or prestige for the end of 2023 and 2024, these sales being the main indicators of the state of the market.

Large auction houses and investors know very well that the art market is a safe haven and a good investment, as illustrated by the Artprice100© index. The current period of uncertainty is also driving new investments in the art market.

The war on European soil, the conflict in the Middle East, the skyrocketing interest rates and fears of recession have not defeated the art market at the end of 2023.

Do not hesitate to contact our Econometrics Department for your requirements regarding statistics and personalized studies: econometrics@artprice.com

Try our services (free demo): https://www.artprice.com/demo

Subscribe to our services: https://www.artprice.com/subscription

The information and econometric studies produced by Artmarket.com are presented solely for the purpose of analyzing and understanding the statistical realities of the art market. Under no circumstances should they be considered advice, a suggestion or a request to invest in the art market or in Artmarket.com, which is listed on Euronext Paris.

Copyright 1987-2023 thierry Ehrmann www.artprice.com – www.artmarket.com

About Artmarket:

Artmarket.com cotiza en Eurolist por Euronext París, SRD long only y Euroclear: 7478 – Bloomberg: PRC – Reuters: ARTF.

Discover Artmarket and its Artprice department on video: www.artprice.com/video

Artmarket and its Artprice department were founded in 1997 by its CEO, Thierry Ehrmann. Artmarket and its Artprice department are controlled by Groupe Serveur, created in 1987.

See the certified biography at Who’s who ©: https://imgpublic.artprice.com/img/wp/sites/11/2023/04/2023_2_Biographie-thierry-Ehrmann_WhosWhoInFrance.pdf

Artmarket is a global player in the Art Market with, among other structures, its Artprice department, a world leader in the accumulation, management and exploitation of historical and current information on the art market in data banks containing more than 30 million indexes. and auction results, covering more than 825,000 artists.

Artprice by Artmarket, a global leader in art market information, has set the ambition, through its Global Standardized Marketplace, to be the world’s leading Fine Art NFT platform.

Artprice Images® allows unlimited access to the largest image bank in the world’s art market: no less than 180 million digital images of photographs or recorded reproductions of works of art from the year 1700 to the present day, annotated by our art historians .

Artmarket, with its Artprice department, permanently accumulates data from 7,200 Auction Houses and produces key information on the Art Market for the main press agencies and media outlets (7,200 publications). Its 7.2 million users (“connected members” social networks) have access to advertisements published by other members, a network that today represents the main Global Standardized Market® to buy and sell works of art at a fixed price or bidding (auctions regulated by sections 2 and 3 of article L 321.3 of the French Commercial Code).

Artmarket, with its Artprice department, has been awarded twice with the state label of “Innovative Company” by the Public Investment Bank (BPI), which has supported the company in its project to consolidate its position as a global player in the art market.

Artprice by Artmarket publica su 2023 Contemporary Art Market Report: https://www.artprice.com/artprice-reports/the-contemporary-art-market-report-2023

Artprice by Artmarket Global Art Market Report, “The Art Market in 2022”, published March 2023: https://www.artprice.com/artprice-reports/the-art-market-in-2022

Index of press releases published by Artmarket with its Artprice department: https://serveur.serveur.com/artmarket/press-release/en/

Follow all the latest art market news in real time with Artmarket and its Artprice department on Facebook and Twitter:

www.facebook.com/artpricedotcom/ (over 6.4 million followers)



Discover the alchemy and the universe of Artmarket and its artprice department https://www.artprice.com/video based in the famous Organe Museum of Contemporary Art “The Abode of Chaos” (dixit The New York Times): https:/ /issuu.com/demeureduchaos/docs/demeureduchaos-abodeofchaos-opus-ix-1999-2013

La Demeure du Chaos / Abode of Chaos GESAMTKUNSTWERK

· L’Obs – The Museum of the Future: https://youtu.be/29LXBPJrs-o

· www.facebook.com/la.demeure.du.chaos.the… (more than 4 million followers)

· https://vimeo.com/124643720

Contact Artmarket.com and its Artprice department – Contact: Thierry Ehrmann, ir@artmarket.com

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