Badalona, ??November 6, 2023.

The bankrupt fell into a state of over-indebtedness from which he has been able to escape by taking advantage of the second chance mechanism

The Court of First Instance No. 4 of Badalona (Barcelona, ??Catalonia) has issued the Benefit of Exoneration of Unsatisfied Liabilities (BEPI) in the case of a man who has thus been exonerated from a debt of 166,000 euros. The case has been processed by Repara tu Deuda Abogados, a leading law firm in Spain in the Second Chance Law. SEE SENTENCEThe exonerated man fell into a situation of over-indebtedness from which he has only been able to escape after benefiting from the Second Chance Law. And he went to Repara tu Deuda lawyers to find a solution to all of his problems with the pending payments, which he has finally achieved. The Second Chance Law was approved by the Parliament of Spain in 2015, the same year in which the law firm was created. More and more people have turned to Repair Your Debt lawyers to cancel the debts they have incurred and which they cannot afford. Along these lines, it should be noted that there have already been more than 20,000 individuals and self-employed workers who have put their case in their hands to reactivate themselves in the economy. One of the fundamental keys to succeeding in this process is to put yourself in the hands of a law firm. Professional and specialized lawyers who offer guarantees of success due to proven experience. It is for this reason that Repara tu Deuda Abogados publishes all the sentences handed down by the Spanish courts in the cases in which they have participated. The law firm is the one that has brought the most stories of over-indebted people to the courts. It should be noted that, to date, it has managed to cancel more than 170 million euros of exonerated debt for people who have very different profiles. The forecast is that this figure will continue to increase because many procedures are already underway and will be canceled in a short time. Some of the clients tell their story of over-indebtedness in the first person. “The fact that some of them – explain the firm’s lawyers – decide to spread their new life thanks to this law is a sign of the importance of this mechanism for those who find themselves suffering a state of continuous anguish.” Bertín Osborne is the official image of the law firm. For this reason, he collaborates in the dissemination of this legislation so that no person is left without access to the second chance mechanism. “We are facing a tool – the lawyers declare – that allows many people who could not live a normal life because of their debts to have regained the relief of getting up without pending payments.” To those individuals and self-employed workers who cannot turn to the Law Second Chance, the office also offers them the possibility of analyzing the contracts signed with banks and financial entities. In this sense, the objective is to analyze whether there are abusive clauses for the cancellation of credit cards, revolving cards, mini-credits, loans and mortgages and to be able to claim from Cofidis, Moneyman, WiZink, Carrefour, Vivus, Banco Santander, CaixaBank, BBVA, Banco Sabadell, myKredit, Kviku, etc.

Contact Contact name: David Guerrero Contact description: Press Officer Contact telephone number: 655956735