The member believes that it is “illegal” because it exceeds the powers of the CGPJ


The interim president of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ), Vicente Guilarte, has rejected the request made this Sunday by the progressive member Álvaro Cuesta to call off the extraordinary plenary session scheduled for this Monday to debate a proposed institutional declaration against the amnesty .

In writing, Guilarte has responded that the call has been made in accordance with article 35, second paragraph, of the Organization and Functioning Regulations of the General Council of the Judiciary, approved by Agreement of April 22, 1986.

In accordance, the document signed by Guilarte is presented, with the antecedents recorded in similar cases in which the Presidency of the CGPJ has always responded to the requests to call an extraordinary session of the Plenary that have been sent to it by different members.

For all these reasons, the interim president of the body has refused to accede to the request of member Álvaro Cuesta who has considered this call “manifestly illegal” and who, in addition, has announced that he will not attend if the plenary session goes ahead, which he believes ” contrary to the legal system and the constitutional functions” of the CGPJ, as submitted in a letter this Sunday.

Thus, the CGPJ will meet this Monday at 7:00 p.m. in an extraordinary plenary session to debate the proposal of eight members of the conservative wing to issue an institutional declaration against the future amnesty law that will benefit promoters and participants of the ‘procés’.

On November 1, these members – of the 16 that now make up the CGPJ – asked to study, vote and issue an institutional statement expressing the body’s “intense concern and desolation” over the amnesty law that the PSOE is finalizing with ERC and Junts, within the framework of the negotiations for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez as president of the Government.

In their text, to which Europa Press had access, the conservative members assured that the amnesty law will have “degrading” effects for the country, “if not abolishing the rule of law in Spain.” They also insisted that when the amnesty is applied to those prosecuted for the ‘procés’ the Rule of Law in Spain “will become a mere formal proclamation that will inevitably have to produce consequences to the detriment of the real interest of Spain.”