Barcelona, ??November 3, 2023.

The exonerated man fell into a state of insolvency due to over-indebtedness and his level of income

Repara tu Deuda, a leading law firm in Spain in the Second Chance Law, has managed to cancel a debt that amounted to 8,000 euros in Terrassa (Barcelona, ??Catalonia) by applying this tool. SEE JUDGMENTThe lawyers of Repara tu Deuda explain their story: “the insolvency situation of the bankrupt has been caused by a state of over-indebtedness which, together with the reduced income, has prevented him from being able to make current payments. For this reason , has been forced to take advantage of the legal tool to cancel his debts.”Now, thanks to the Second Chance Law, he can start again without debt, after issuing the Court of First Instance No. 3 of Terrassa (Barcelona) the Benefit of Exoneration of Unsatisfied Liabilities (BEPI) if applicable, thereby releasing the amount owed. Repair Your Debt Lawyers began its activity in September 2015, precisely in the same year in which the law came into force in Spain. Currently, it has exceeded the figure of 170 million euros in debt cancellation for its clients with the application of the Second Chance Law. The law firm carries out the majority of Second Chance Law cases. Opportunity in our country. It represents in court more than 20,000 people who come from the different autonomous communities of Spain and the forecast is that this number will continue to increase due to the growth in the degree of knowledge of this law. Some of the clients who have seen how they have been exonerated of their debts through the Second Chance Law they decide to tell their experience in first person. According to the lawyers, “this causes some of those who doubt to step forward and begin the process. In addition, those who are already immersed receive a message of hope that their case will be satisfactory and they will be able to enjoy a new life.” without debt.” The profile of people who benefit from this mechanism is very rich and varied: parents who guaranteed their children to buy a flat, small businessmen who set up a business or who made investments with negative results, people who are unemployed or in complicated work circumstances, individuals who have been victims of some type of deception, etc. For people who do not meet the requirements to benefit from the second chance mechanism, Repara tu Deuda Abogados also offers alternatively the cancellation of credit cards, revolving cards, mini-credits, loans and mortgages. The legal office analyzes the contracts signed with banks and financial entities to check if there is any type of abusive clause and thus complain to Cofidis, Moneyman, WiZink, Carrefour, Vivus, Banco Santander, CaixaBank, BBVA, Banco Sabadell, myKredit, Kviku, etc. .

Contact Contact name: David Guerrero Contact description: Press Officer Contact telephone number: 655956735