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The award-winning initiative, ‘Unleashing the elderly and the Alzheimer’s patient’, seeks to establish care guidelines that guarantee care “free of physical and chemical restraints”

The president of CEOMA, Sabina Camacho, has defended that “caring without restraints is possible, it is learned and it is achieved”

Madrid, November 3, 2023.- The Spanish Confederation of Seniors’ Organizations (CEOMA), has received the ‘Juntos Cuidamos’ award in the 15th edition of the Senda Awards for its program ‘Unleashing the elderly and the Alzheimer’s patient’, focused on improving the quality of life of older people with Alzheimer’s or another type of dementia.

‘Untie’ is a pioneering CEOMA project that has been working for 20 years to establish new care guidelines that guarantee care free of physical and chemical restraints for people suffering from dementia. Currently, the project focuses on residences, where more than 60% of its inhabitants are people suffering from dementia. For this reason, the Spanish Confederation of Seniors’ Organizations advocates that they go from being containment centers to being friendly centers for these patients.

The award was presented by the national Sales Manager and Manager Home Care at Laboratorios INDAS, Miguel Ángel Saiz, to the president of CEOMA, Sabina Camacho, who was accompanied by the technical director of the program ‘Unleashing the elderly and the sick with Alzheimer’s, Antonio Burgueño.

Camacho defended during his speech that “caring without restraints is possible, learned and achieved, as this program has demonstrated throughout its twenty years of life.” In this sense, he has reported that there are more than 200 centers throughout Spain accredited by CEOMA as free of restraints. “No one likes to be deprived of their freedom of movement and, furthermore, it violates the dignity of the person and violates individual rights,” added the president of CEOMA.

Finally, Camacho thanked all the people who make the project possible for their work for “their commitment and awareness to dignify and humanize the attention and care of older people suffering from Alzheimer’s and other dementias.” In addition, the president of the Confederation recalled that next November 22, CEOMA celebrates the 20th Anniversary of its flagship project ‘Unleashing the elderly and Alzheimer’s patients’, with the motto ‘Winning a better future, with facts, for older people’, under the Honorary Presidency of Their Majesties The Kings.

The 20th Anniversary of ‘Desatar’ will take place in the Assembly Hall – CEADAC – State Reference Center for Brain Injury Care on Calle del Río Bullaque, 1 in Madrid.

Representatives of the Public Administration attended the awards ceremony, such as the Minister of Family, Youth and Social Affairs of the Community of Madrid, Ana Dávila-Ponce; the Minister of Family and Equal Opportunities of the Government of Castilla y León, Isabel Blanco; the Minister of Social Welfare of the Government of Castilla-La Mancha, Bárbara García Torijano and the delegate of the Government Area of ??Social Policies, Family and Equality of the Madrid City Council, José Fernández.

The ‘Desatar’ Program has received several awards, including the ‘Prince of Viana’ for Dependency Care, in June 2010; the ‘Caser Excellence in Dependency Foundation’, within the framework of the Caser Dependency and Society Awards, in the 2014 edition and the ‘Love for Experience’ Award for the best work in favor of the rights and well-being of older people, in 2015.

Senda Awards

The Senda Awards recognize and value the effort and work of all those who ensure and fight to improve the quality of life of the elderly and/or in situations of dependency. The awards thus recognize the work of professionals in the sector who promote personal autonomy and active and healthy aging.

The Spanish Confederation of Seniors’ Organizations (CEOMA) is a non-profit organization created to defend the rights of older people. It represents more than 800,000 Base Members and more than 1,500 Associations and covers 26 senior organizations from the different Autonomous Communities. More information: www.ceoma.org

Celia Moreno GarridoCoordinator Responsible for Institutional Communication and Imageceliamoreno@ceoma.orgC/ Fernando el Católico, 10 – Local 7 28015 MADRIDMobile: 626 170 705Tel.: 91 557 25 56

Isana NavarroEuropa Press Comunicaciónisananavarro@europapress.es600 90 55 65