After weeks speculating about what Princess Leonor’s intimate celebration with her entire family would be like on the day she swore in the Spanish Constitution, we can now say that yesterday was a complete success. The family of King Felipe and Queen Letizia enjoyed a celebration at the El Pardo Palace in which no detail was missed… and attention! because the monarch was with his family, for a few minutes, without the presence of the queen.

Guests from the Royal Family: the emeritus kings, Don Juan Carlos and Doña Sofía; Irene of Greece; the infantas, Doña Elena and Doña Cristina; his cousins, Irene and Miguel Urdangarin, and Froilán; the Infanta Doña Margarita; Anne of Denmark with her daughter Alexia of Greece and her husband Carlos; Miriam Ungría and her son Boris; Cristina de Borbón dos Sicilias, Pedro López-Quesada and his son, Pedro Pablo; Kardam from Bulgaria and Carla Royo-Villanova and Kalina from Bulgaria, Kitin Muñoz and her son among others.

Guests from Queen Letizia’s family: the truth is that the moment in which those closest to the monarch entered El Pardo could not be captured. Not a single face of Princess Leonor’s maternal family was seen… why? We don’t know, the only thing that emerged is that Paloma Rocasolano and Jesús Ortiz would be invited.

Seeing the long list of attendees on behalf of King Felipe, it would not be surprising if Queen Letizia invited her sister, Telma, along with her two children and her niece Carla Vigo, since on her husband’s side, her children did attend. nephews (although with the absence of Victoria Federica and Pablo).


The first to leave El Pardo was the Infanta Doña Margarita and after her, her brother, King Juan Carlos, did so… but what happened next? Queen Letizia was seen driving her vehicle with Infanta Sofía. No sign of Princess Leonor and King Felipe VI.

The monarch stayed inside El Pardo and left twenty minutes after his wife did. His sisters, the Infantas Doña Elena and Doña Cristina, were still there; his nephews; guests from Greece and her mother, Queen Sofia who was seen with her sister Irene from Greece.

In this way, King Felipe was able to say goodbye to all these guests who left the palace in succession until he finally did so, closing the doors of El Pardo and riding in the back of a vehicle with two escorts… That yes, no trace of Princess Leonor.

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