Grupo Prodi and Mota-Engil México, the reference shareholders of Duro Felguera, have proceeded to disburse 30 million euros, a third of the total amount of the loans granted to the company signed on February 28, the company informed the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV).

The disbursement of the rest of the amount of the loans by the Mexican shareholders, up to a total of 90 million euros, will be carried out before next December 5, all in accordance with the terms of the capital increase agreed by the general meeting of the Asturian company held on April 13.

With the announcement of this disbursement of 30 million euros by Prodi and Mota-Engil, the company’s shares skyrocketed their price this Wednesday, leading the increases on the Spanish stock market with an increase of 5.28% at 10:44 a.m., until the 0.678 euros.

Last February, the incorporation of the Development and Infrastructure Promotion Group (Prodi) and Mota-Engil México as industrial partners was agreed with the specific purpose of ensuring the long-term viability and sustainable growth of Duro Felguera.

Under the agreement, the industrial partners assumed a joint commitment to grant the company two loans for a total amount of 90 million euros, of which Mota-Engil México will provide a loan for the amount of 40 million and Grupo Prodi another loan for 50 million.

Likewise, Duro Felguera would repay the loans through a capital increase of 90 million euros, which includes the capitalization of the loans that required approval by the general meeting.