The general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, has rejected this Thursday that the case for which a court has sent the PP candidate for the Mayor of Badalona, ??Xavier García Albiol, to trial is corruption, while restricting the matter to a “administrative matter” of his time as mayor of the city.

A court in Badalona (Barcelona) has decided to send the former mayor and leader of the municipal group of the PP in the City Council to trial for alleged prevarication in the installation of telephone antennas in the Local Police headquarters in 2012, when he was mayor.

“We are not facing a case of corruption and it has also provided all the information in this regard, which is what the statutes require of it,” said the ‘number two’ of the PP in statements to Onda Cero, collected by Europa Press.

When asked if the PP is going to take any action against García Albiol and if this prosecution puts his candidacy on May 28 in question, Gamarra has indicated that the judicialized matter “has to do with his administrative activity at the head of the City Council”, reiterating that “it has nothing to do with a case of corruption”.

He has defended that the PP statutes are “absolutely guaranteed” and “guarantee the presumption of innocence” of García Albiol, of whom he has said that he is a candidate who “will win” the municipal elections and has options to do so “with an absolute majority “.

Having said this, Gamarra has assured that it is up to the autonomous leadership of the ‘popular’ in Catalonia to take action in this case, but has once again insisted that it is not corruption.

And questioned about whether the alleged crime of prevarication that is attributed to the PP candidate does not seem serious, the general secretary has come forward assuring that García Albiol is being applied the statutes of the party.

“We are talking about an aspect that affects the management of the City Council and an administrative matter, that must be differentiated from a case of corruption,” Gamarra concluded, for whom it is not “very different” from a “matter that affects today mayor of Badalona, ??of the PSOE”, Rubén Guijarro. Thus, he has criticized the “double yardsticks” that, in his opinion, are applied by the socialists.