The spokesman for the National Security Council of the United States, John Kirby, has announced this Wednesday that his country has not sent depleted uranium ammunition to Ukraine, as the United Kingdom is doing, but has reminded Russia that “this ammunition is quite common , has been used for decades.”

“We don’t usually talk about specific data about the ammunition we send, but we are not sending depleted uranium,” he confirmed during a press conference. “But I think it’s important to remember that studies have been done on the health damage of depleted uranium ammunition and it’s not a radioactive threat, it’s nowhere near the nuclear field.”

Kirby has explained that it is a very common type of ammunition, used mainly for its ability to penetrate armor, and believes that this is the detail that worries Russia, that the Ukrainian Army continues to damage its tanks.

“And if that’s really what the Russians are worried about, if they’re worried about their tanks not being operational, they can take them back to Russia across the border and out of the Ukraine,” he concluded.

British authorities said Tuesday that they will deliver ammunition made from depleted uranium to Ukraine, a move aimed at increasing support for kyiv as the fight against Russian forces intensifies. Moscow, for its part, then denounced the supply of what they consider nuclear weapons.

Russia’s reaction did not go without a response from London either, and the British Ministry of Defense issued a statement accusing Moscow of “deliberately misinforming” on the matter, since depleted uranium “has nothing to do with weapons or capabilities nuclear” and their impact on human health or the environment is “probably low”.