Madrid, March 22, 2023.

Representatives of the Animal Equality Foundation have delivered a letter to the Ministry of Agriculture, demanding that Spain support the end of cages for all species. The organization thus initiates the “No Caged Animal” campaign. The European Commission will present a new legislation on animal welfare that will be presented at the end of the year. Spain is the European Union country with the highest number of caged animals on farms: 86 million

Under the slogan “Stop Cages” the Animal Equality activists have placed themselves in front of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food demanding that Spain maintain a firm position in Europe and support the end of cages for all species. The European Commission is currently working on the development of a new legislation on animal welfare that will be presented at the end of 2023. In 2021 the European Parliament voted in favor of banning cages, thus adopting a resolution on the European Citizens’ Initiative “End the Cage Age” and urged the European Commission to declare them illegal throughout the European Union in 2027. The “End the Cage Age” Initiative that had been promoted for 3 years by 170 European organizations, including Animal Equality, and was signed by more than 1 4 million people. For this reason, the Fundación Igualdad Animal now demands that Spain maintain its position, expressed in 2021, of supporting the transition to cage-free systems gradually. In the letter, presented by representatives of the organization at the ministry, it is requested that the end of the cages affect without exception all species of animals used by the industry, that ambitious deadlines be established for their application and that it also applies to animal products imported from countries outside the European Union. “It is at a time of crucial importance for animals in the European Union since the Commission is preparing the new legislation on animal welfare. The Minister of Agriculture must take into account the scientific evidence that states that animal welfare cannot be guarantee while they live confined in cages and the voices of citizens who demand a better life for animals”, Irene Rivero, communication coordinator for Animal Equality Spain, the European Union country with the highest number of caged animals In the country 87% of the animals used by the industry live in cages. There are specifically 86,935,062 animals, according to the latest report prepared by Compassion in World Farming [1]. Chickens, rabbits, pigs, calves, quails, ducks, or geese living in unreasonable cages, deprived of autonomy and the ability to meet their essential behavioral, physical, and psychological needs. In this way, Spain is positioned as the country of the European Union with the highest number of caged animals. Over the next few months, he will participate in events, protests and the collection of signatures aimed at demanding a firm position from the ministry to put an end to cages in livestock. IMAGES AND STATEMENTS PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY “NO ANIMALS IN A CAGE” CAMPAIGN [1] Report “Let’s put an end to the cage age”

Contact Contact name: Irene Rivero Contact description: Communication Coordinator Animal Equality Foundation Contact telephone number: 34 686435117
