The president of Vox, Santiago Abascal, and the candidate for the vote of no confidence, Ramón Tamames, have publicly acknowledged this Thursday the existence of discrepancies between them, but have stressed that they agree on the ultimate objective of unseating Pedro Sánchez from the Government and have asked for the support of the Popular Party.

The leader of Vox and the candidate have appeared this Thursday before the press in the Congress of Deputies, five days before the debate on the motion of censure and after weeks of statements by Tamames in contradiction with some of the postulates of Santiago Abascal.

“We believe that Professor Tamames is a public figure who can represent all those compatriots who demand a change of course and whom we can embrace over ideological or political differences. That is exactly what we agree on, and it is not little”, Abascal has justified.

The economist and former politician has also acknowledged that he does not share the entire ideological program of Vox, but has downplayed this fact. “There may be discrepancies, it happens in many cases in any type of relationship”, he has accepted, ensuring that he feels “at ease” having been proposed as a candidate by the 52 Vox deputies with whom he coincides “in essence”, as it is the defense of the unity of Spain or of the parliamentary monarchy.

Within this framework, Abascal has called on the Popular Party to reflect and change its announced abstention to a vote in favour, also taking into account that many of Tamames’ approaches “coincide” with those of the ‘popular’.