Tatxo Benet, CEO: “The void left by Jaume in the group is immense”


The board of directors of Grup Mediapro approved this Friday, at the request of its majority partner, the separation of Jaume Roures from the management of the group, after 30 years at the head of it.

As reported by the company, at the same time Tatxo Benet, also managing partner, has been confirmed in his positions as president and CEO, positions that he had already held for more than ten years.

“Roures and Benet have been key players in the evolution not only of Grup Mediapro, but they have been world leaders in the audiovisual sector,” he highlighted.

In this sense, the audiovisual group has assured that “all members of the Mediapro management team will continue normally in their positions: Juan Ruiz de Gauna, general director; Eva Abans, financial director; Josep Ensesa, Legal Officer; José Luis Rubio, director of Broadcast and Media Services; Laura Fernández Espeso, director of The Mediapro Studio; Carmen Fernández Tallón, director of Innovation, or Carme Anglada, director of Communication.

“All of them are fully committed to the future of the group,” he stated, while adding that “they work tirelessly to satisfy their clients and provide value to shareholders, in a work environment in which people are above all other considerations.

The CEO of Grup Mediapro, Tatxo Benet, has declared “Grup Mediapro has become a great company, a resilient company that has shown that it has always known how to overcome any new challenge.” “The entire management team and the 7,000 people who work in the group will continue to do so with the same efficiency, effectiveness and dedication. The entire management team and its CEO are fully aligned with the group’s shareholder partners, Southwind and WPP, with whom we share the company’s future project seamlessly,” he stressed.

“There is not, in this sense, even the slightest disagreement. In this sense, not only have there been no discrepancies in the future model, but there has not been the slightest change either in the founding project or in the values ??that the group represents. And there will not be as long as this management team is here, because it is this management team that has put them into practice for thirty years and because our shareholders share our project and our values, which have been key when it comes to value their investment in Mediapro. Nobody has changed them nor does anyone want to change them,” he assured.

On the other hand, Benet has stated that “the void that Jaume leaves in the group is immense.” “And from a personal point of view I will greatly miss these wonderful decades of working together, side by side, during which we have collaborated to build Grup Mediapro and make it what it is. But this would not have been possible without the people who work in the group, the best professionals in their respective areas. In this sense, Grup Mediapro will continue to be in very good hands,” he stated.

“The inspiration and legacy that Jaume leaves us are an irreplaceable part of Grup Mediapro’s DNA and will always remain present in the work of this company, reminding us that people come first, that we must never give up on our ideas and dreams, that working as Jaume has done it, we will continue to achieve everything we pursue, no matter how difficult it may seem, without fear being a brake on what talent and effort set as our goal,” he commented.

Finally, Tatxo Benet has remarked: “We are now going to celebrate 30 years of life and everyone, absolutely everyone, shareholders, CEO, management team and all the people who make up the group are aligned and committed to living another thirty years, at least, with the same success that we have had until now”.